First Time We Meet

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A/n: HI my dear reader this here is my first story so don't go all out on me im 14 and this is not my native language soo yay let's begin...

Y/n's pov.

I woke up too the front door slamming hard I was scared cuz this meant my uncle had come home.

My uncle has been taking care of me since I was 5 after my mom and dad died in a tragic car accident I only suffered miner injuries but it traumatized me and I still don't like driving in a car I usually ride my bike if I have to go short distance and the train if longer.


I felt my hand get pulled by the red string but I wasn't sure if I shot follow I or not, my freind Bff/n's(best friends name) looked a me weard and asked "Are you okay is it your string again" she asked with a sigh.

"Y-yeah sorry." I said

"Don't be that just means that he's near" My friend said with a wide smile.

You laughed and nodded "Yeah I ges I does."

You were on your way to school you go to Itachiyama high school you didn't have many friends but you got along with people.

I didn't really talk to many from my class but I knew a guy with light brown hair named Motoya Komori sometimes he and I talk and he always talks about his cuisine and how he hasn't found his soulmate either.


"Good morning Motoya-kun" I said as me and my friend as we walk pass him, he was waking with what you thought was a friend and I said hi to him too his face was covered by a mask*Cough cough corona😷* he hade longe black and korly hair and almost black eyes. I felt a tug on my soulmate string and looked at it it was almost pulling me towards the new guy and when I looked up to see him again he also looked at his hand we made eye kontakte but looked away me and my friend began walking away from the 2 boys and I felt my strings lousen again.

I was that kinda person that didn't really wanna finde there soulmate because you were scared that they would not finde me attractive or smart enough.

*sakusa's Pov*

It has been a long day and I'm tired but me and Motoya has to go to practice but I just can't get the girl from this morning out of my head "I think I meet my soulmate" I said my cousin looked at me and said. "What who is it is she pretty do I know her what does she look like. "

"It's the girl from this morning I think she one of your friends from your class. " I said

Motoya looked at me mouth a gab the he said "She haven't found her soulmate yet but she sometimes feel her string get pulled when she goes near your class but she's scared too finde her soulmate"
I looked at him pusled and said "Why... Why is she scared to finde her soulmate"
"She doesn't think she's good enough or pretty enough" Motoya said with a sad face.

*Timeskip to after practice*

I was on my way home when the string around my fingers was pulled and I looked in the direction of where it was pulling me and I saw that same girl from this morning I was walking with my cousin and he stop and looked at me then at the girl and then he said "Her name is Y/n L/n go talk to her" I looked at him "What about all the germs" I said.

"Don't worry about that she's just like you and clean all the time and sanetis she just forgot her mask today." My cousin said I looked at him and then took a deep breath walking up too her my cousin giving me a thumbs up.

*Y/n's pov*

I saw Motoya and who I learned was his cousin my string was getting pulled towards them and then his cousin walked up to me the string getting pulled even more now I looked at him then he said "HI I-I'm Sakusa Kiyoomi"
"H-hi I'm Y/n L/n nice too meet you" I said with an awkward smile.

The string getting tighter until he said "I think you might be my soulmate" and touched my right hand were my string was attached then I dicapired and I looked at him and said "I think you're my soulmate too"

A/n hi this I only the first chapter out og idk how many so see you next time.

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