New home???

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*Sakusa's POV*

Y/N looked...scared of the voice. As the yelling came closer she started to go towards me I don't understand but she was so scared I just looked at her and hugged her when her so called uncle came out of the house.

I looked at him with fury in my eyes i could see he got a little scared of me and Motoya, he then looked at Y/n and said "never come back here again now that you got your dumb boyfriend /soulmate go live with him cuz your just a waste of space for me." He then spat at her but it didnt even hit us I took a step forward and her uncle *Think im just gonna call him U/n as for uncles name* flinched as I looked really angry at him and said "This i probably why you dont have a soulmate your dumbass attitude you can't even be nice to your oven niece and she is gonna live with me cuz you don't take care of her."

"A kid like you don't even have the money so don't say to me that i can't take care of her I just don't want to cuz her parents forced me to for 12 years and now a kid like you say you can take care of her you don't even have a job" he said rolling his eyes at me I looked at him and said "Im the nr 2 ace in japan i get money for every game i play and more for the once i win so dont you talk like that to me"

He looked at me dumbfounded....

*Y/N's POV*
When I headed Sakusa say that I felt safe I still stood behind him cuz i was a little scared and hurt by what my uncle said to me before Sakusa and Motoya came and saved me.
*Flash back*
Y/N he yelled like never before "YOU DONT DESERVE A SOULMATE YOUR JUST LIKE ME BUT WORSE YOU RUIN EVERYTHING FOR ME GET OUT NOW I SAID NOW" after that i ran to my room again to get the last of my things.
*Flash back ended*
And now I'm here with omi-kun and Montoya-kun. Omi looked like he could kill my uncle so I stopped him "don't do anything to him please Omi-kun" I said and he looked at me then at my U/n hi took my hand and bag and left Montoya in shock behinde us he also gave my uncle a death glare and ran after us.
I began crying and Omi looked down on me and said "Hey its gonna be okay your not living with him anymore he can't hurt you anymore" I looked up at him and hugged him "Thank you Omi-kun this means alot to me" I said me face in his shirt he looked at Motoya and gently patted my back Motoya gave him a thumbs up 👍🏻 and Sakusa smiled under his mask we walked to Motoya's place
I was really tired so I feel asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow in the gest room.

*Sakusa's Pov*
When we got to Motoya's place Y/n looked like she could pass out any minute now and she did as soon as she laid in bed I looked at her and smiled *yes he's a softy but only for you cuz you just hit different 😍* then Motoya walk in the room and looked at her " she has been through alot ever since that car crash that killed her real mom and dad she always blamed herself for what happened that day but she didn't do anything" he said looking down at her and walk out of the room again shortly after.
I felt really bad for her but I couldn't do anything eles but look at her so that's what I did.

*A/n hi readers sorry for the short chapters I'm not good at this writing storys yet but hope you like this soft Sakusa the lemon will come don't worry😅*

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