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"Kate, we found you a boy who knows fluent sign language and is willing to teach you everything you need to know." My mother speaks. I'm only partially listening as my focus is more on the television. For the past few days after I got out of the hospital I've just been lying on the couch watching Netflix. There's not much I can do with a broken neck and no voice.

"His name is Marcus Tait, and he's around your age so you guys can become friends instead of you needing to deal with a dull adult teacher." She continues.

I grab the television remote and pause the Sherlock episode I was watching, then grab my white board and purple Expo marker.

"K." I write, turning the white board to show her, giving her an unamused face, then placing the white board down, unpausing my show.

"Or I can always find a strict old man to teach you." My mom decides to say, and I give her a death glare.

"Thought so." She smiles. "He's coming in an hour so you better hurry your show up."

I grab my white board, erasing the "K."

"You can't just rush Sherlock." I write, and my mom laughs.

~ ~ ~

Marcus came at four. He had swooped brown hair and a smile that made me feel immediately comfortable. The only thing that made me feel uncomfortable was that he was cute, and I mean very cute. I wish I was prettier and didn't have a broken neck and some healing cuts on my face from the crash so I didn't need to feel uncomfortable with a cute guy teaching me sign language.

He shook my hand and introduced himself. I notice his gaze linger on me for a moment as he takes his shoes off. Hazel meets chocolate brown for a slight second before my mom asks him to have a seat. He sits on the couch, myself following after, sitting next to him. He smiles genuinely at me while his eyes seemingly examine my features almost unnoticeably. I catch a whiff of his Hollister cologne as he reaches for my white board and marker. His movement looks graceful and gentle.

He places my whiteboard on my lap, looking at me curiously. He hasn't really spoken besides when he introduced himself. But gosh, every movement he makes is something I can't help but adore.

"We aren't going to begin lessons yet today," His deep voice states. "Instead, we're going to get to know each other a bit better so we're more comfortable. So introducing myself, I'm Marcus Tait, and I know sign language because I have a deaf mother. Your turn."

I pop the lid off of the marker and begin to write.

"I'm Katelynn Skyfall, but I go by Kate. I was in a crash and lost my voice, and I like your face. The end."

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