Ben and Izuka vs Wolfram oneshot

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Wolfram was rampaging through the area as Ben signed thinking

'My first real dance with Izuka and some villain comes in'he thought

'Damnit Allmight's injured I have to end this now..but i can't do this alone'

He looked to Izuka "Izuka" he called out

Izuka looked at him her beautiful dress was torn she had to tear off the bottom and throw away her shoes to fight she she had a cast like band over her left arm she was attending to All might who was severely injured

"Ben-san what are you doing here?She questioned her boyfriend

"Izuka listen i'm going to end this but I can't do this alone so please *extends hand towards Izuka*lend me your power and help me out"The hero with a determined face on a face that Izuka knows that she can't say no

Izuka takes his hand with a smile"Of course if i can't help out I can't be a i'm your girlfriend i'm not leaving you alone!"The green haired teen exclaimed

Ben smiled at her determination and the fact that she ALWAYS has his back no matter what and vise versa

Izuka:"Plus*Smiles* i've always wanted to team up with you since i got OFA"she said

Ben snorted and was enveloped in a green light

Standing in his place was an humanoid robot. He had a green and white body with large cylinders on his arms near his wrists, that are full of a green energy with dark green bubble-like spheres, which constantly move. He had the same energy on his Omnitrix-shaped chest. His head is a pointed, armored helmet. He had mouthless face with the Omnitrix on his belt

"Then it will be and ATOMIX team up!" the alien named Atomix said

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"Then it will be and ATOMIX team up!" the alien named Atomix said

Izuka:"Right" as she activated OFA and the green electricity flowed all around her

Atomix:"LET'S GO!"

They ran at Wolfram who was annoyed
"YOU DON'T KNOW WHEN TO GIVE UP!!"the villaim bellowed as he launched an assault on the heroes

Atomix and Izuka dodged but they heard Bakugo yell at the side lines as he help destroyed some of the incoming attacks "YOU'RE THE ONE WHO DOESN'T!"

Another wave of attacks came this time Todoroki assisted them by blocking the attacks with a wall of ice

Izuka continued to dodge and activated OFA and in blinding speed rushes and destroyed the incoming stone poles(IDK what their called tbh)

A large cube was about to hit Atomix head on when he glowed bright green and punched it shattering it into pieces

The couple met each other and ran towards Wolfram as a gigantic cube was coming towards them

The jumped in the air and got ready to counter

Atomix:"To overcome the situation in front of you..."Atomix said reeling back his glowong fist

Izuka:"With everything you've got"His girlfriend finished reeling back her own fist

Atomix/Izuka:"DOUBLE NUCLEAR SMASH!!!" They punched the cube and started pushing through

Wolfram was trying to push through himself as his muscles bulged and his clothes ripped but it proved ineffective as the cube exploded into a million pieces

They were now right in front of Wolfram

Izuka channeled OFA and her glove/cast(Idk what it was for) stating glowing a bright purplish-pink

While Atomix channeled his nuclear energy and his body started glowing bright green

Atomix:"GO!"The transformed teen exclaimed once again reeling bacl his glowing fist

Izuka:"BEYOND!"The young student said reeling back her own fist once more

Atomix/Izuka:"PLUS ULTRA NUCLEAR  VICTORY!!!"they shouted to the top of their lungs as the punched Wolfram who wrapped himself into a cocoon in a last ditch effort to save himself but it was too late


Ben:"Izuka! Are you alright?!"asked the worried hero

Izuka:"I'm fine Ben-san great even i finally got to team up with you"responded the teen

The both smiled and shared a kiss while everyone else was cleaning up and arresting Wolfram

All might saved Dave while Izuka and Ben were dealing with Wolfram and Malissa thanked everyone for helping defeat Wolfram

The End

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