one - the beginning of it all

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september 5

The light filtering through the gaps in the blind shutters didn't wake me up of course, it was the stupid alarm on my phone repeating the same ringtone on repeat, a loud series of pangs slowly spiraling down into silence, when it came back, louder than ever again and again.

First day of school. 

I slammed my hand down in the general direction of my bedside table, feeling for the phone. Eventually, my palms found the smooth surface of my phonecase and I pushed the power button on the side to silence it, hands brittle from sleep.

I picked it up, squinting with one eye forced open. Even at lowest brightness the screen is hard to look at with my sleep-filled eyes.  It read 7:00 am. I sighed, and flopped on my back, snuggling my body under the covers. Why did my bed have to be so damn cozy in the morning all the time?

Reluctantly, I slipped out of bed, pushing my hair out of my eyes, grabbing some black skinny jeans, pairing it with a low-cropped white t-shirt, because I really didn't have the confidence to wear shorts or a tanktop. Plus the warm weather of August was beginning to slip away as the first week of September rolled in. I'd rather be comfy.

I frowned at me tangled strawberry blonde hair in the mirror, framing my pale complexion. A small bit of foundation and mascara, maybe a little bit of lip gloss made me look at least half decent.

I quietly scurried down the stairs after showering and changing, slippers still wrapping my feet and creating a soft thump each step I take. Dad's probably already at the office, I think, grabbing the Honey Nut Cheerios from the cupboard. Sometimes it was hard having a father be the Sheriff of our small town Laurel, with him working long office hours and me getting barely any time with him due to late-night paperwork. I opened the cereal box and started shoving my hand into it, fisting dry cereal into my mouth. I was too lazy to actually make a proper breakfast anyways.

The digital clock on the microwave read 7:30 as I quickly spared it a glance. Ace would be here in half an hour.

I flicked on the tv, running my glass of water under the tap and filling it up to create the world's most exciting breakfast - a box of Cheerios and tap water in a Slytherin cup.

God, I'm such a child.

I scrolled through Netflix absentmindedly with the remote, only hovering on a few shows in the recommended section. We didn't have cable, which dad always grumbled about... but to this day has yet to install some. Letting out a small huff of air, I curled my legs beside me on the felt fabric couch, starting an episode of Brooklyn-Nine-Nine.

After sitting there for a while, fisting cereal into my mouth as I praised the lord that it didn't have a laugh track, the episode ended. Flicking off the tv, I placed the cereal box back in the cupboard and drained the remains of my water, letting it "soak" in the sink, half-full of warm water.

My lunch was always full of random shit, so today was just like any other day when I threw an apple, which I know I wouldn't eat, a plastic bag half-full of goldfish and a container of slices of cucumber into the bag. I was ready to head out the door after shoving my phone, earbuds and keys into my hoodie pocket and heaving my bag over my shoulder. Slipping on my boots, I locked the door behind me and sat on my porch, plugging in my earbuds and tapping shuffle on the playlist. 

So I sat there, waiting for him.

"Jesus Christ Ace," I muttered to myself, checking the time on my phone. Not too long after I heard his cheap Nikes running up my driveway.

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