Little Red Riding Hood.3

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Little Red
Did you see her
Did you see?
Did you get her
Did you stop her
Did you end her life with glee?"

The Wolves crowded round
as their leader did walk in
wiping his dagger on his cloak
staining it as red as his preys name had been.
He smiled as he looked up
sharp teeth flashing in the light
and waved his hand at the open door
to reveal a small girl in a cage.

Little Red
Here is is
This is her
I got her
and I stopped her
And her mother's gone once more."

The cheers of the Wolves
shook the little room
and the girl in red shrank back.
But they all ran past her
without a glance
until she was left alone with their leader.
His smile widened as
he stalked towards her
seeing the fear on her face
and he crouched down
to look at her
as he slowly started to speak.

Little Red
no use in crying
no use in tears
you are the start
of the end
of the Princesses kingdom rule."

Around the kingdoms
the Wolves did hunt
the others girls of stories and dreams
and then they met up
under the stars and the moon
and cheered for their success.

Did you see her
was it her?
Did you get her
Did you stop her
Did you end her life with glee?"

And with each princess that
they stole and broke
the world grew more into shadow
And the wolves watched from
the corners of darkness
as despair ruled over the land

Sleeping Beauty
Did you see her
was it her?
Did you get her
Did you stop her
Did you end her life with glee?"

And when the murder was over
and they had no one left to hunt
the Wolves went back to their den in the trees
to see what their Leader had done.
And out stepped a young girl in red
her eyes lifeless and dead
The wolves new weapon, the last princess left
now ruling in the way they had dreamed.

Little Red
Do you see it
See the dream?
Rule with us
and rule for us
And rule the darkness here with glee."

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