Hansel and Gretel

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Breadcrumbs for the lost. Breadcrumbs for the lonely
breadcrumbs for those that choose that path bravely
Not knowing where it leads to, not knowing the ending:
not knowing that into hell, they are descending. 

Breadcrumbs in the forest, Breadcrumbs to the hut
Breadcrumbs up to the door, that once you're in, slams shut.
The path lead the sister, and the sister lead the brother
trying to persuade her to follow another. 

Sundown in the forest, as they found the house
silence in the hut; as quiet as a mouse.
Hansel grinned at Gretel as they settle for the night
Not knowing when they woke, they would be locked up tight. 

Laugher all around them. Laughter as they woke
Laughter from a stranger who would not share the joke
Until the siblings realised, the joke was really them
They had been captured, for slavery they were condemned. 

“We have to escape them, we have to just run
We have to escape them, before they think they've won”
Gretel whispered it when they were alone
“We have to escape them or be lost in the unknown” 

So they planned an escape, they planned and planned
Waiting for the perfect moment to make a stand
And then the day came when the window was open
and they ran through it: the slavers power over them broken. 

Breadcrumbs for the lost. Breadcrumbs for the lonely
breadcrumbs for those that choose that path bravely
Most do not come back from the path that they stray
But Hansel and Gretel were the first to come that way

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