First Day Of School

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Chapter 1


Mishima fell out of bed.


Mishima got up, went to have a shower, brushed her teeth and combed her hair.
Then, as she rushed downstairs, she grabbed toast with butter with her mouth and ran to the Academy.  As she was about to enter the Academy, she finished her food and dusted off her outfit. She stepped inside the building. 

Iruka-Sensei said, "Umm, Class, this is Mishima Uzumaki our newest transfer student from Uzushiogakure also known as Hidden Eddy Village Of the Uzumaki Clan."

The students laughed. 

"Umm, why is the one with red tomato hair, here?"

"TOMATO HAIR?! BAKA!" she said boastfully, "actually I'm the daughter of Minato Namikaze, also known as the fourth Hokage."  She walks to the student. "Oh yeah," she says, smiling.


Mishima slapped him over the head. "HOW DARE YOU CALL ME TOMATO HAIR."

"Hahaha you even look like one."


"Okay, okay break it up!" The class takes their seats. "Your test results are here."
The bell rings. "End Of Class!"

[Later, on that day] 
As Mishima was walking out of the cherry blossom trees, one of the students' brothers met up with her.

"Hey idiot, I heard you beat up my brother! How dare you?!" He punches Mishima, but it was a clone and she appeared in the tree. "Oh, so you know clones, huh? How about this?" He continues to beat her up and cuts her cheek with a kunai.

"What was that for?" Mishima healed herself with medical ninjutsu.

"That was to teach you a lesson." He was about to hit her but "he" came.

He smiles. "Don't touch my daughter, alright?"

"L-Lord H-Hokage u-um forgive me!"

He goes with back home.
"Phew, well that was a relief!"

"Thank you, Father."

"No problem.... Oh, quickly say goodbye to brother Naruto; he is going training with Jiraiya-Senpai."

"Oh, okay... BROTHER NARUTO!"
He turns his head as Mishima comes and hugs him.

"Goodbye sister! Mata ne!" (see you later)

"Bye Naruto!"

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