Chapter 4

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Jessica's P.O.V.


that man was on my mind all day today. no matter what I could do he never left my mind. I hope I can find something to get him off my mind because this is not good.

what if these thoughts of him turn into something more. this needs to end before it gets worse.

"Jessica!!!" my best friend Haley, who was sitting right in front of me but I must've not noticed her since I hade Mr. Presley on my mind.

I snapped out of it and looked at her, "what?" I finally replied.

"it's like you're on a whole different planet! what's on your mind!" she asked.

"no one!"

"oh so it's a person?" she raised her eyebrows at me.

"if I tell you, PROMISE, you won't tell anyone!!" I spoke and lifted my pinky finger.

I know, I'm twenty years old and that pinky swears are childish but Haley never breaks a pinky promise.

after she swore she wouldn't tell, I got closer to her and spoke quietly.

"so last night, Lucas was drunk and he had slapped me. I went to the bar and got drunk off my feet. I don't remember much after that but when I woke up the next morning I was in a hotel room with Elvis. THE Elvis Presley!!"

she gasped "SHUT UP!! that's crazy!!! did you kiss him? was he good? omg you're so lucky!"

"Haley nothing happened!! it's bad, I shouldn't be thinking about him. I'm married. but when I woke up, he was shirtless and he kept calling me beautiful, and darling and honey!" I whined at the memory of it.

"well I mean if you want could be a friends with benefit kinda thing? Lucas don't have to know sugar, I sure as hell won't tell anyone!" she insisted.

my jaw dropped, "Haley!! that's affair and affair is a sin! I couldn't do it!"

she raised her eyebrows, "but I think you could do it, just remember him being shirtless and calling baby, and beautiful; don't that make you wanna jump on him like a frisky kitty cat?"

I couldn't help but laugh at her remark. but I have it more thought. do I want this?? if my parents found out they would be little me, but Lucas hasn't shown me the right love I'm looking for..and I'm sure Elvis could give it to me.

maybe this wouldn't be too bad after all..


it's short 'cause I needed to stop at this point for chapter 5!

get ready. 😂

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