Chapter 3

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Hayes😘😍: Hey Ash it's Hayes!
Ashley😃: Hey Haaasss
Hayes😘😍: I was wondering if you wanted to come over today and meet my parents and I know that you would love to meet Nash and Sky😂
Ashley😵: Umm yeah sure
Hayes😘😍: Ok where do you live?
Ashley😜: I live on (address)
Ashley😵😵: NO WAY
Hayes😘😍: I guess u could just walk over here then😂
Ashley😂: ok I'll be over in an hour
Hayes😘😍: ok see you then babe
Ashley😄: See you
~~~~~ END OF TEXT CONVO~~~~~
Ashley's POV
He called me babe
I only had an hour to get ready so I took a quick shower then I picked out my outfit. I was wearing a Hayes Grier T-Shirt, with black leggings, and my black Uggs. I grabbed my iPhone 6 with my Hayes Grier case on it, I know I know I'm obsessed, anyway I started walking over to Hayes's house and get this NASH GRIER OPENED THE DOOR😱.
" Hi I'm Nash and you must be Ashley right?", he said.
" Y-yeah", I stuttered, gosh I'm so embarrassing.
" Your a fan right?", he asked
"Y-yeah", I stuttered again
"Aww come here", he said with his arms out for a hug
I jumped into his arms and it was the best day of my life.
I met Hayes and Nash Grier wow
"Come on in I think Hayes is sleeping in his room how about u go wake him up", he said.
"Oh I've got the perfect plan", I said and Nash laughed and walked away.
I made my way upstairs and I finally found Hayes's room
I screamed in his ear and threw a pillow at him in I hid in his closet.
He shot up right away and I jumped out of the closet and scared him to death I started laughing so hard.
"ASHLEY", he screamed and tackled me laughing then he started tickling me.
"H-HAYES S-STOP I-IT", I managed to say in between laughs
He finally got off of me
" Come on let's go meet my family", he said laughing
"Ok", I said laughing too
We went downstairs and there was hayes's mom Elizabeth, then there was Skylynn, then Nash, then Will.
"Everybody this is Ashley we just met at the park today", Hayes said
They all said hi and we sat down and ate dinner then Nash had asked me something I wouldn't in a million years say no to.
" hey Ash, Hayes and I were wondering if u and your sister brook would like to come to magcon with us?", he asked me
"YES", I yelled
" when are we leaving?", I asked
" tomorrow", he said
My jaw dropped
" I HAVE TO GO PACK I GOTTA GO SEE YOU GUYS TOMORROW and thanks for dinner Mrs.Grier!", I said
" oh please call me Elizabeth", she said and I smiled
" we'll pick you up at 8 in the morning our plane leaves at 9 to Nashville", he said while I was on my way to the door.
I replied back with a simple ok and ran out the door to tell Brook the amazing news
I was about to meet the people that I look up to and that I love with all my heart. This is gonna be a fun week...

YAS THEY ARE GOING TO MAGCON. I know I know they aren't apart of it anymore but it's just a Fanfiction so I wanna make it interesting. I hope you guys liked this chapter and I'll try to update as soon as I can. Byeeee

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