Chapter 10

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Jordan's POV
Today I'm making an unexpected visit to Ashley's house
She'll wish she NEVER messed with me
I headed over to Ashley's house
It was 3:00 in the morning so I bet she was sleeping
I broke into her house quietly
But she woke up when I was in her room and I had a brick in my hand
"JORDAN?!?!?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY-", she was cut off by me throwing a brick at her. She was unconscious. Finally
I put her over my back and snuck her out of the house.
I took her to my basement and tied her to a chair and put duct tape on her mouth and left her alone in my basement.
My work is done here

~~~~~ The Next Day ~~~~~~
Brook's POV
I heard noises in the middle of the night and I got up and saw a blonde haired girl take Ashley behind her back I screamed and cried. I yelled for my mom and dad.

I told them everything I saw.

We called the police and called the Grier's
Hayes was basically bawling
The police was trying to look for her and they couldn't.
My sister was taken by a crazy ego blonde haired maniac.

Hayes's POV
I can't believe she got her...

I can't believe Jordan actually got her...

"Brook, does Ashley have that tracker app on her phone?", I asked Brook
"Yes, actually she does!", she got excited
"THEN GET IT OUT", I screamed practically bawling my eyes out
"Okay okay", she said
My eyes were puffy and red from crying.
We were on our way to finding my beautiful girlfriend that I love so much

Ashley's POV
I woke up and I was in a basement tied to a chair and duct tape over my mouth. It was dark and I couldn't see a thing.
But I know who put me down here and I also remember


Then I heard footsteps getting closer and closer.
I was crying and then a door opened
It was just Hayes
"MMMMHHMMMMMHMMMMM", I was trying to talk but the tape was on my mouth
"ASHLEY?!???!!", Hayes yelled
He untied me and pulled the tape off of my mouth
"OWWW", I yelled
"Sorry lets get out of here", Hayes told me
I nodded
I came out and saw everybody
I hugged them all and then we called the cops on Jordan
She got arrested and she deserved it
Then we all went home
I decided I was gonna sleep at Hayes's tonight because he wanted me to and because I was scared.
I went home and told my mom and packed some clothes
I knocked on Hayes's door and he answered it
"Hey babe! Come in! Wanna watch a movie in my room?", he asked me
"Sure", I said
We went up in Hayes's room and watched The Call
"Hayes?", I asked
"Yes", he said back
"Do you think Jordan will ever come back?", I asked
"I won't let her", he said back and I smiled and looked up at him and our lips then smashed together. It was perfect. Then we pulled apart and I felt my eyes getting heavier and heavier. Then I soon fell into a deep sleep...

Hey guys hope you liked this chapter! I rewrote it because the other way I wrote it was just too weird so I just did it this way. And thanks for the 302 reads! It's not that much but it's a lot for a book you basically just started so thanks again! I'll update soon guys bye!

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