I know Jkaloko

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This photo was taken on his birthday this year

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This photo was taken on his birthday this year. Jkaloko

He and I used to be good friends in 2015-2017 and we went to the same university. But my life got hectic because I became a manager, I got married, and had a daughter. Now I am officially done with school.

We still talk from time to time, but not as much. I live so far away from him and my life is busy. So meeting up again won't happen for a long time.

But he is a great person. Nice, caring, supportive, creative, smart, funny, cute, and an amazing person. He was quiet and shy at first, but if you really get to know him, he is a genuine great person.

Also I'm shocked that he doesn't have a girlfriend or isn't married yet. If I wasn't already married with a kid, I would marry him. But I hope he finds his soulmate, because he deserves to be loved and happy.

I hope his writing career is successful. Tearing Off My Skin and Last Date are great books. I hope he gains a lot of financial support, fame, and followers. He deserves that as well.

Even though he is great, I question his sanity a lot. Who comes up with characters like The Pink Devil and Dadi? The names alone are crazy, but the characters themselves are next level insane. Please give me your brain, so that I can study it. 🤨🧐🤓😂

Make sure you read and support him ❤️

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