Chapter XVIII: Best Friend Duties

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It was a week before the wedding, and Nick had received an extremely unusual request.

"It's from my friends, Nat and Rose," explained Aisha with a grin, "They want to give you the once-over."

"The what?" asked Nick, sounding confused. Aisha smiled at the way his dark brows wrinkled, and smoothed them out with her fingertips. 

"You know, the once-over. The evil eye. Commonly known as 'best friend duties,' when one of your mates is getting ready to marry a bloke."

"Oh," said Nick, understanding dawning on his handsome face. He gave Aisha a crooked smile as he caught her fingers, and gave them a kiss. 

"Well, that's nothing I can't handle."


Cloistered in the tiny flat Aisha had lived in with her friends before she moved to the Palace, Nick was reconsidering his statement.

Nat and Rose- Aisha's best friends, so starkly different from each other in appearance- were glowering identically at him from across the dining table. 

Nick felt like adjusting his collar- their stares made the room feel a little stuffy.

"So," said Nat, the taller and fiercer-looking of the two. She stood,grabbing a rolling pin, and began tapping it menacingly against the palm of her hand. Behind her, Nick saw his bodyguards exchange glances.

"You plan to marry our best friend," said Nat, circling him slowly while Rose stared at him fixedly from across the table. This was starting to feel like a police interrogation. 

"Yes," said Nick, trying his best not to smile. Nat slammed the rolling pin down on the table, making him jump.

"Is this funny to you?" she hissed. He straightened his expression immediately.

"No, Ma'am," he said, trying to store his laughter for later. Dressed in old sweats, their hair up in a messy bun, the girls didn't exactly cut a threatening image. Rose even had a bit of Nutella on the corner of her chin, though she didn't know it.

"You had quite the whirlwind courtship," continued Nat, circling around to face him, "So let me make myself very clear. If you ever get cold feet, back off, or hurt Aisha in any way, we will come for you."

"We will hunt you down," piped up Rose, still completely oblivious to the Nutella on her chin.

"We will hunt you down, and make you regret the very day you were born," said Nat menacingly, brandishing the rolling pin at his face.

Nick held up his hands.

"You have nothing to worry," he said solemnly, "Aisha is the love of my life. Yes, our courtship was short, but I am absolutely confident she's the one. I've never felt this way about anyone else, and I never will, either. I intend to be absolutely loyal and faithful, and make her smile every day for the rest of her life."

The two girls exchanged glances, as if holding a mental conference on his declaration. Finally, they faced him.

"We believe you," said Nat with a smile, while Rose headed to the fridge.

"Let's drink to it!" she exclaimed, pulling out a bottle of champagne, "To Nick and Aisha!"

"To Nick and Aisha!" echoed Nat, raising her glass to Nick with a look of warm approval.

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