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Hey guys! I know I've been inactive lately and I'm sorry.

From the amount of readers and votes I'm still getting, I have decided to use this platform to speak up. I am a filipina, born in the Philippines but moved to Canada when I was younger. Every year, we would visit the Philippines. This year, I have decided to spent grade 9 here and came home before Covid started. So I did just that.

I have seen multiple other people spread awareness on other platforms, so I wanted to spread awareness here. There are multiple filipinos/filipinas dying because of the back to bavk typhoons and even though it's a yearly thing, it's still horrible.

Places are being flooded to the roof, houses are being destroyed and people are dying. If you can, please help. There are different ways to help the Philippines. You can search #RescuePH and there is a link that will appear. It will help thousands of people.

Speaking from my experience, Typhoon Ulysses had hit where I was, on Signal 3. I was terrified. The roof was being noisy and if the wind was any stronger, it would have probably flown off. Electricity went out for a few days because a bunch of poles and wires fell. Trees and also fell. It was only Signal 3, yet I was already scared. I couldn't imagine how other residents of the Philippines are feeling right now, those who are going through Signal 4 & 5 typhoons. The very first typhoon to hit here, I would say we were lucky. It was supposed to be Signal 5, but it had broke out before it could happen and the only thing left was the wind, which wasn't that strong.

I don't know my readers, but if any of them are filipinos/filipinas, please stay safe. I wish you well and if not, still stay safe. Everyone, I just wish you stay well from Covid-19, and thank you all for voting and reading my book, I appreciate it and I don't if I'll be able to continue it from all these things happening, especially since I just found out I could help with all the food and give it out to people(charity work). So I'm sorry and I hope you enjoyed reading!


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