Chapter 8

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After walking inside I close the door and leaned back on the door, closing my eyes I let out a sigh. I am feeling so many things right now, frustration, After walking inside I close the door and leaned back on the door, closing my eyes I let out a sigh. I am feeling so many things right now, frustration, happiness, scared, but most of all horny... Definitely horny... What is wrong with me!

Ughhhhh! I say out loud and then am shocked when I look over and see my mom and grandma staring at me.

"Um, Hi", I say nervously.

Then quickly walk to my room before they can say anything. I close the door behind me and flip face first into my bed and let out a scream into my pillow. A couple minutes later I hear a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" Dani.

"Mom, can I come in?

"Yeah" Dani.

She then opens the door and walks in.

"What's going on?" Mom.

"Nothing, I just had an interesting night" Dani.

"Where did you go? You weren't gone that long" Mom.

"Um, just to see a friend down the street" Dani.

"A boy?" Mom.

"How would you know that?" Dani.

"By how your acting" Mom.

"Oh, well yeah. It was a boy. But he's just a friend so we don't need to talk about anything okay mom" Dani.

I say that more as a statement than a question because I definitely do not want to talk to my mom about this. And I really don't want to tell her about him. She would not approve.

"Okay, okay, I know you are old enough to make your own decisions and you have done an amazing job so far. But I want you to know if you ever need to talk to me about anything, I am always here. Okay, babe?" Mom.

"Yeah, mom I know. And thank you" Dani.

I give her a quick hug before she gets up and walks out the door.

God this night has been weird. I can't wait for Liz to get back. I really need to talk to her. Maybe I should send her a text and see what she thinks.

"Hey Lizzyyy, I miss you! There is so much I need to tell you!" Dani.

"What's up? I miss you too" Liz.

"I kinda met someone" Dani.

"Omg you what!?! Who is he? Do I know him? Does he go to your school? Job training? Tell me everything!" Liz.

"Um, well, no. You definitely don't know him and he doesn't go to school or job training. I met him on an app my cousin told me about. Actually, I have seen him once before that, but I didn't know who he was" Dani.

"An app? What app? And what do you mean, who is he? Liz.

"Yeah, Vin told me about an app called FriendsLink and I downloaded it. I was about to delete it when he sent me a friend request. Then told he wrote me, but it turns out he's my next door neighbor!" Dani.

"Omg Dani! What are you doing on there? That app is for hook ups! And your neighbor, I know a lot of them and I can't think of anyone of them you would be talking to" Liz.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I only downloaded it because I was bored. I was never going to hook up with anyone. But anyways, he is one of the Black's kids, he just moved back home" Dani.

She seemed to be worried already so I don't think I am going to tell her where he has been before moving home. Plus, she would just end up asking me more questions that I can't answer.

"Hmm, okay I guess, but why did you say he doesn't go to school? Did he drop out? Or already graduated?" Liz.

Hmm, well actually I have no idea. So what do I tell her?

"Omg Liz so many questions! What next you're going to ask what his life plans are and what his intentions are talking to your best friend? Lol. Relax, we'll have plenty of time once you get back to talk about everything, okay?" Dani.

"I guess. But I want to know everything once I'm home. Love you" Liz.

"Love you too" Dani.

Thank God she didn't ask me anything else. I am not sure what to tell her about him. Hell, I don't even know much about him.

A couple days had past and I hadn't heard from him. I was beginning to think he changed his mind about seeing me again when I got a message on FriendsLink from him.

"(563) 953-5267" WhyNot666.

He sent me his number?!

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