1. The morning "after"

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Sun light crept trough the red curtains in the twins bedroom at the burrow, softly illuminating the almost empty room the only exception, She. Still laying there sleeping soundly on the bed. The night before at dinner Ginny had generously provided some fire-whisky and poured it into everyones cups to celebrate Evie's 20th birthday after Mr. and Mrs.Weasley had left the house to visit Charlie in Romania for the upcoming week. The celebrations were very much needed considering the state of the world after the war, that had just ended only a month prior and everyone had had a bit of a hard time adjusting to the newly found "peace". 

To be honest everyone was still healing from the physical and mental trauma, although Fred seemed to be over it already, despite nearly getting killed in the battle of Hogwarts. Solely being alive now thanks to Evie and her quick reflexes.

"Ah!" She gasped loudly jumping up, suddenly awoken from her sleep. Her chest pounding from instinctive fear and panic. Trying to take in the room that she was in all alone. "Oh god" she sighed relieved, tucking a strand of hair white as ice away from her face. Evie had another nightmare so vivid she could swear it was true, the same dream would come to her over and over again and the fear and pain never fading away making her feel she'd be going mad.

Slowly sinking back into the covers she plays the dream over again in her head trying to convince herself that it is only a dream, but as the image of her running down the corridor on the seventh floor, towards the room of requirements surrounded with the walls on both sides crumbling nearly onto her trying to get to Him in time, stumbling down and breaking her wand in the fall.

In slow-motion she could only see a huge flash of orange fill the air and Fred flying across the hall, all she can do is scream his name in the most gut wrenching tone "FRED, FRED, FREDDIE!" and watch his body slowly hit the ground. Only to be able to get up when its too late, it replays in her mind, how she falls onto him trying to wake him, looking into his open eyes that no longer hold in the spark of fireworks, now they were like glass. Wiping away her tears that kept falling on his pale lips when she's unable to stop her cries.

"Its just a dream". She whispered breathing in deeply tracing a finger cross her cheek catching a tear "just a dream". But it wasn't just a dream it was her worst fear realized, not that she could ever tell anyone about it.

Just then she understood whose bed she was in, alone. Leaning over to the nightstand on the side of the bed to see the time on the wristwatch. 5.02 She took it in her palm and lied down on her side watching the time tick on until she drifted back to sleep a single tear dropping onto the pillow below. 

** thud, thud, thud**

"Wake up you, time for breakfast" Ron yelled from outside the door, sprinting back down making his way to the kitchen. Everyone else had passed out in the den yet she has no idea how she got to bed.


In the kitchen you could hear the boys fighting over something that happened the night before "Oh its so obvious Fred!" Harry shouted while a huge grin appeared on his face trying to hold in his mockery "and apparently she's..." Ron continued but cut the sentence short when Evie finally set foot into the den, interrupting him. "Apparently who is what? what are you going on about?"

Standing up from the floor abruptly and looking quite embarrassed Fred  answered "Nothin really, erm." "Breakfast ready Gin?" walking past her accidentally brushing his arm into Evie's. "Yea, if you could just set the table!" Ginny yelled, her back turned to the group, loading the bacon and eggs onto a tray so Hermione could carry it to the table where tea and coffee was already pouring itself to cups and then floating back onto the table.

"Right, we're starving" George and Ron agreed in unison and taking a seat at the table, Ron next to Hermione with Fred on her other side along with both Ginny and Harry. Leaving George and Evie to sit next to each other right across from Fred whose eye's Evie was trying to avoid still shaken from her dream earlier in the morning. "You know Evie we were just talking with Ginny about the first time we met at the sorting ceremony first year, you remember ?" Hermione asked. "Yea, of course I do how could I forget?" She kept a pause in between and continued "Why do I have a feeling this is leading somewhere" she asked, while an inquisitive smirk was forming on her freckled lips.

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