2. No point hiding it now

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"What the bloody hell just went on with them!?" Ron scoffed loudly looking absolutely  bewildered at the others. Harry seemed equally confused sharing acquisitive look with Ginny then turning to face Hermione as tough to ask her without words what was going on making Hermione yell in response " Well don't look at me like I'm supposed to know, this was your brilliant idea!"

George sat there silently, his head hanging low rubbing his brows as if he had a splitting headache. "I reckoned the worst thing to come out of this game were Freddie's painfully obvious feelings for her."

"His feeling's for her!?" Hermione yelled out as if it was a surprise. "I personally think this is a bit more serious than that." she stated.

"Did anyone actually hear what he said before he sprinted off?" Harry asked looking around only to find everyone as out of the loop as he was.


Evie had stormed into the kitchen pacing back and forth, shaking her hands then wiping her tears away messily clearly panicking. "oh god, oh god, oh god oh god" she muttered to herself burying her face into her palms.  The closing foot steps behind startled her, grabbing her wand from the table where she had set it a minute earlier, she went to cast the locking charm "Colloportus" . But the door was already opening.

Fred came through the door in total disbelief, his hazel eye's lingering with tears as tough he was about to fall into a puddle of sob's.

"YOU HAD NO BUSINESS DOING THAT TO ME!" "HOW ON EARTH ARE YOU SO COCKY AND ARROGANT TO VIOLATE ME LIKE THAT, YOU.." Evie started yelling at him not knowing what she was supposed to say, she was so caught off guard, her panic and fear only growing. "YOU NEVER, YOU!" She cried not understandin why he'd never asked about before. Fred stood still, only a line of tears dripping down his face.

"You love me." he whispered stepping closer to her only for Evie to take a step back clearly not ready yet to meet his gaze. The kitchen had filled with a smell of smoke reeking from their clothes from sitting around the campfire . Evie backed down to sit on the staircase behind her. "Yes." she answered, a sad smile escaping her lips from the relief of finally not hiding it anymore.

"Why'd you never tell me you idiot." Fred said jokingly trying to make the both of them feel a bit better.

"BECAUSE!" Evie yelled wiping away snot on her sleeve's drippimg from her nostrils. "Be.., Because you died Fred, you died and it was my fault!" she screamed at him as if that was the only way to get the sentence to leave her lips, she feared saying it out loud would make her fear that much realer. "You died, Freddie."

"But I didn't, did I?" "You brough me back with what ever the heck that was!" he chuckled kneeling down in front of her. Placing his hand on her cheek lifting her face, his gaze darting straight to hers as she finally looked up at him. "You used the bloody killing curse on Rockwood for me, I can't believe you did that!"

"Well that dickhead deserved it!" she said with the weakest laugh trailing behind.

a moment of silence fell between them, Fred's hand still cupping her cheek stroking it softly with his thumb. "Cant believe you never told anyone what you did, mum's gonna lose her mind over this!" "By the way I forgive you for smacking me cross the face, was that really necessary?"

"Yes, and I'll do it again Weasley!" Evie yelled back perking up a bit. Evie stared into his teary eye's for a moment, her light grey irises piercing trough the hazel in his just as a tear started to fall. She'd never seen him like this, cry or be any kind of emotional besides being filled with anger t'was a whole new side of him a sweet and caring one. It was as if he knew exactly what to say to her.

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