Babysitting Catastrophe

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"I'll be right back, just watch the video" Lacy instructed a pouting Penny. "I don't want to" the 5 year old huffed, crossing her arms over her chest and turning away from the computer set in front of her. "You have to do your homework Penny. Don't make me put you in timeout" The babysitter threatened only half heartedly as she entered the walk in pantry to find a snack. "Fine." Penny sighed in defeat. The sounds of children's music hummed out of the computer a few seconds later, filling the silence. Lacy hummed to the tune of the kid's song -she had become quite accustomed to it from helping Penny with her homework the past week- and stood on her tip toes to find the greasy chips she knew were hidden up there out of the kid's reaches. Her hand clasped the bag right as the door bell rang, efficiently startling Lacy. The teenager took a deep breath to calm herself from the sudden disturbance and advised Penny to stay where she was and finish her work while she went to investigate. Upon opening the door, it seemed no one was there. Lacy brushed it off as a classic ding dong ditch as it was nearing halloween and there were a lot of kids in the neighborhood, but the street was deserted. She rolled her eyes and walked back inside, locking the door behind her.

Penny was gone when she went back to check on her. Her computer was still running, but the girl was gone.

"Penny!" Lacy yelled at the top of her lungs with a nonsense tone that would let the girl know she meant business. After she got no reply she called for her again and again, searching in all of her favorite hiding places. It was no use. Penny had simply disappeared.

The only place Lacy hadn't checked was the families unfinished basement that was used simply for storage. Penny wasn't allowed down there, and the 5 year old knew it, but it was the only place left.

Sure enough, stood in the middle of the room was Penny surrounded in a circle of her own blood that was still dripping down her arms.

Lacy ran to the young girl, "What did you do!?" Lacy exclaimed in fright, grabbing her arms, trying to stop the bleeding. "He said it would be a fun game" she smiled weakly. "I love games" her voice cracked and her eyes began to flutter closed. "No, stay awake" Lacy demanded, hitting her cheek lightly. Her eyes opened again but closed right away. "He's coming for you now" she whispered before falling limp in Lacy's arms.

Thanks for reading!
Until next time,

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