So We Meet Again

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You weren't prepared for the actual magnitude of the building.

Then again, you're not prepared for a lot of things.

You hop off the last step of the bus, landing on the ground with a small thud. UA's building overshadowed the majority of foliage surrounding it, including the gate that you were currently standing under. Despite its simple shape, you find it intimidating.

Eventually, the rest of your classmates trickle out of the bus along with you, pooling around you until you're encompassed in a small puddle of white clothing. Your heart's pounding in your chest still. All those sleepless nights and missed hangouts are finally paying off despite what you thought at the time. Mother Nature seems to celebrate with you as well. Clear skies encompass the area for miles, with only whispers of former clouds floating ever so slightly above. The sun above seeps through the foliage of the trees decorating the edges of the pathway into the building, dispersing small pockets of sunshine onto the ground waiting below.

The principal for your school stands in the front, patiently waiting for the last of the students to stream in. He's holding his hand behind his back, subtly rocking back and forth on his feet. Unlike the rest of the staff, Mr. Sasaki is out of nursing attire, playing with the cuffs of his beige suit. You rarely see him out of his office, and even more so rarely out of his smocks.

"Everyone here? Yes? No? Well, that sucks for them." Principal Sasaki puts his hands on his hips, looking back and forth from the crowd. "Welcome, students. Congratulations again on being chosen for the program. You've proven to be beyond exceptional in your respective years, and now," he gestures to the structure looming behind him, "you have been rewarded with a new challenge. Or punishment. However you'd like to view it.

"As the top students from U.A.'s sibling school, I expect that you are on your best behavior. Looking at you, Cory." He points two fingers at his own eyes and then towards Cory's direction, wherever that may be. He continues, beginning to pace back and forth, hands behind his back.

"You've all worked hard for this opportunity, so be sure to keep up that self-discipline and be ready to work even harder once we start the program. Many of the students in the hero program don't and won't expect much out of you, especially since a handful of you here are quirkless."

Your eyes are pulled toward the ground, gazing as you seesaw on the soles of your feet ever so slightly. It sucks, you've known that. It's always sucked. Echoes of memories you've tried suppressing bubble gently in your mind. The taunting, the jeers; they ripple throughout your body, but you know you're here for a reason. You take a quiet deep breath and let the thoughts drift away as you focus back on Sasaki's speech.

"-and that's it." Sasaki straightened up and gripped the flaps off his blazer. He nods towards the small group of tired nursing students in front of him. You bet that half of them weren't listening to him, either. "Let's get moving."

After finishing a quick headcount, the teachers accompanying your group hand out individual Entrance ID Cards with their own lanyards. The rest of the students begin to move once you receive yours. Hurriedly wrapping the lanyard around your wrist a couple of times over, you pick up the pace and slip into the building with the rest of your classmates.

Once you arrive at the auditorium, you squeeze into a single file with the other nurses-in-training and fill in a row. You smooth down your dress as you fall into the seat underneath you, gently resting your elbows on the armrests accompanying it. Upfront, you see the mouth of the stage yawning open at the audience, clean wooden floors covering the base. On the right-hand corner is a small podium with a microphone. The little thing reminds you of the one from back in your middle school days. You cringe at the thought of middle school. Who the hell liked middle school?

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 22, 2020 ⏰

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