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Chapter One; "I Feel So Alone"

"I feel so alone all the time, is that normal?" Sam Lyn laid on the grass as she stared up the bright moon.

A tired sigh left her lips, "I feel like everybody hates who I am...I hate who I am. Do you hate me? You probably do with all the talking that I must do."

Sam remained quiet as she kept her stare on the moon. The moonlight reflected against the paleness of her skin, almost as if it was wrapping her in a bubble of safety that she never wanted to get out of.

"God I must be so alone if I'm talking to the moon."

Closing her eyes, Sam allowed herself to feel the peace that came with being alone in the middle of the night. She knew that it wasn't safe to be out at midnight but this was the only time she felt like her thoughts were at peace. Sam Lyn had been silently hoping for her phone to ring. For someone to call her, worried about her whereabouts, but she knew no one would call.

No one cared about Sam Lyn.

Fluttering her eyes open, Sam admired the moon once more. She could never comprehend how such a thing could bring so much peace to her. The moon had become her only friend during the times where she needed someone the most. It had been there for her when she needed someone to quiet down her thoughts.

Sam took in a deep breath before she slowly released it, "Do you think he'll like me? I mean, if I do end up saying hi to him, you think he'll say hi back?".

She remained quiet waiting, wishing that the moon would respond back to her.

But the moon never did.

Sam Lyn felt tears well up in the corner of her eyes as she was consumed once again by the emptiness she always felt. That dark, clouded feeling of being alone wrapped around her like a poisonous vine, diming the moonlight that made her feel safe.

"Please just talk to me", Sam pleaded to the moon but as always she was met with silence except this time, someone spoke.

"Are you talking to the moon?" A voice spoke, making her scream and quickly stand up.

Sam felt her heart nearly jump out of her ribcage as she held her hand against her chest. Her breathing was frantic as she stared at her new company.

The young man, who seemed to be calm about the situation simply gave her an awkward smile as he put his hands in his pockets, "So, what are you doing out here? You know, beside talking to the moon".

Sam didn't know what to respond to as she was still in shock. She knew that being encountered by a stranger at two in the morning was never a good sign. But as she stared at him, she was quick to realize the way his eyes shined with something familiar. Something she had seen in her eyes.


Without thinking straight, she shrugged her shoulders and said, "I was just doing a summoning spell for the moon to give me powers".

The young man gave her a confused look before he simply nodded his head, "Right, well then, have fun with your spells".

Sam felt her cheeks flare up from the embarrassment. She knew that she was never that great at talking with others and always managed to make herself look like a fool.

The young man looked at her for a moment before removing hishand from his pocket and stretched it out towards her, "The name is Elias Adams".

Sam kept her gaze on his hand for a moment before she grabbed and shook it lightly, "Sam. Sam Lyn".

Elias retracted his hand back and gave her a slight smirk, "Well Sam Lyn, would you like to go for something to eat?".

She tilted her head to the side, a playful smile spreading across her lips, "You sure you're not just trying to lure me in to kill me and sacrifice my heart to get powers?".

Sam watched as Elias shook his head in amusement as a smile graced his lips, "You're such a weird girl Sam, come on I know this great waffle house that's right down the corner. You'll love the chocolate chip waffles".

Talking To The Moon Where stories live. Discover now