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Chapter Two; "Nobody Cares"

"Can I tell you a secret? I really don't like who I am"

Sam Lyn was sitting criss-crossed on the grass as she played with the shoelaces of her shoes. It had been another night of not being able to sleep so she had gone off to the only place she knew would help her relax her mind.

Self hate wrapped around her neck, choking her slowly as she whispered to the moon, "Everyday I wake up, I look in the mirror and there is not-", Sam took a deep breath as she felt the ache in her heart, "-one thing I like about me. Whenever I see myself or even hear myself talk, all I want to do is just crawl in a hole and die".

Her broken gaze remained on her shoes, "I wish I could be pretty like you".

Sam glanced up to the moon and gave her a small smile. Tonight, it was shining brighter than it had ever done before and it was so beautiful. The way the stars shined made it seem like they were praising her beauty.

A small smile graced her lips as she stared at the moon, "If I was pretty like you then maybe someone would look at me the way I look at you".

Sam Lyn zoned out into a world where she was the moon's physical form. Her hair was long and white, flowing behind her. Her face would be slim, her features would be perfect and her eyes would hold the stars within them. Everybody would admire her for her beauty and would praise her like a goddess.

"That's honestly some pretty sad shit you got going on there" A familiar voice spoke up.

A small smile rested at the edge of her lips as she came back to reality. Sam didn't have to glance behind her to figure out who it was. Ever since she had met Elias, he had begun to show up every night. For the past week, Elias had always managed to show up at the right time when she needed someone.

Sam glanced behind her shoulder to watch as Elias made his way to stand beside her. A soft smile on his lips as he looked down to her.

"You really need to stop walking in on me spilling my heart out, what if one day I make the moon do something bad to you", Sam commented, making Elias chuckle softly as he took a seat beside her on the grass.

He didn't say much after that, he simply sat there beside her and began to play with the strands of grass. This had become a routine Sam was getting familiar with. Him showing up and simply sitting beside her not saying much but simply being there with her.

"Elias, may I ask you something?" Sam asked out of nowhere.

Elias turned to see Sam Lyn staring at him with a weird look he couldn't comprehend. For once he was able to see a different emotion in her eyes besides pain. He tried to lighten the mood as he gave her a playful smile, "If it's about one of your sacrifices for the moon to give you powers then no but if it's not, then go ahead and ask me anything".

Sam Lyn stayed quiet for a moment as she moved her gaze from him up to the moon, "Do you ever feel so alone that it feels like you could disappear and no one would even care?".

Elias stared at her. He could see the way the moonlight would reflect against her face and for just a moment, he could swear that it seemed like she had the moon in her eyes. That's the thing about Sam Lyn, she was a girl filled with beauty inside and out but she was blinded by self hate.

A frown spread on Elias' lips as his eyebrows furrowed in worry, "Sam , that's like some really fucked up shit, you alright?".

She removed her gaze from the moon to stare at him. For a moment, Elias could see how tired she actually looked and he knew it had nothing to do with her insomnia.

Sam Lyn was tired not of the world but of herself.

Her sadness reflected in her eyes as she glanced back up to stare at the moon, "You want to know what's really fucked up about all of this Elias? That if I didn't return home tonight, my parents wouldn't even notice. Nobody would care at all if Sam Lyn went missing".

Elias stayed quiet as he stared at the girl sitting in beside him. He could see the trapped broken girl inside her eyes and within the next second, the look was gone. It was as if the real Sam Lyn was buried in the deep sorrow and guilt she carried, wrapped in a cold, hard shell. And with the rare shine on the moon against her eyes, Elias could see the real Sam yelling for help.

He wanted nothing more than to tell her she'll be alright. Wanting to wrap her around his own bubble of safety but Elias knew he couldn't save her.

Sam Lyn was far from being saved.

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