First Week

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The first week with Poco was so bizarre. Just having such a tiny cat living with us was so new, especially since it had been years since we had last had a cat. For the very first week, he stayed with my brother in his room.

At first, his favorite toy were glitter balls, which was perfect since we had just gotten some glitter ball dangly stick along with some generic cat items we'd need. My brother was way too protective but did most of the cleaning he needed to do to keep the room nice, such as sweeping up excess litter and keeping his food neat. Poco is a messy eater lol.

He certainly didn't know what to think at first and he didn't have a voice at all. He'd open his mouth no sound came out. He now has a very prominent and loud meow, so his voice definitely developed. He's also not afraid of anything anymore. He just kind of does his own thing, not worrying about the consequences.

He was so tiny and his ears were wayyy to big for his body. He looked about the same up until now, and he's got no medial issues thankfully. He is also just as beautiful. Just those eyes with those markings match so well! Playing with things that are and aren't his is still something he likes to do. As long as he has fun, he doesn't care lol. We adopted him on June 26, so hopefully you guys won't mind celebrating his birthday and adoption day with us :D

He was never skittish and still isn't. If he wants your pasta, he's going to take it. He wants your water, he's going to drink out of it. What he wasn't used to though was the amount of windows we have, and the view he could get. He loves just being able to set up by a window and hunt lizards.

Isn't he just the cutest?

Isn't he just the cutest?

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