Part 2: A Spiderlike Scenario

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A/n: Oh wait I can make the text go to the middle? I mean I kinda saw my coolio friend G do that in their book hint hint check the end of every chapter but yeah anyhoo back to the story and Leen is gamer

One by one, the adventurers wake up in the morning, feeling refreshed.

You decide to eat some food. A local adventurer is making some food. He is sharing it with whoever asks for some, occasionally taking a bite himself. It's noticeable that it is fruit salad. 

Amaya and Aries' take a bite, while Jack Paul tries to take extra for Diavola, even though she is gone. Risotto tells the guy to fuck himself (I think since I'm not 100% sure but it seems like smth Risotto would do as a hot dragon lady ofc smh) but right as they're about to leave, Jack Paul notices Diavola. Aries asks her to come along and she politely agrees.

After eating, they pack their gear and set off. Aries' checks his pocket to see that Diavola has a map marked with landmarks to the final destination.

As they walk, they eventually come to a large circular disk in the ground, made out of mossy cobblestone. In front of it is another disk, the 2 connected by some wooden planks.

Looking closely, they all realize that the planks don't seem to have nails connecting them together.

There seems to be no other path or way around to get over. Aries takes a running leap and gets there, While Amaya slowly inches forward, making it across. Jack Paul tries but the planks break, dipping the young savage, not an average tifling into the water. He is pulled up by Aries.

In the distance, they spot some adventurers. The adventurers seem to notice you, and turn to you. They hold a finger to their mouths, gesturing to come closer while being quiet.

(If you try to look, Perception [Should actually be insight but I'm smallbrain]: You don't see anything in the distance you are, but as you sneak closer, you see shiny stringlike things reflecting the sun as you are now 3 meters away//DC: 15)

As they approach the figures, about 2 meters away from them now. It becomes clear that their faces are decomposing, one missing an eyeball. They robotically move to a standing position and are suddenly dropped, weblike strings falling from the sky after them.

The adventurers try to jump into a guard position but are stopped, looking down to see that they are stuck in webbing, as several giant spiders and wolf spiders scuttle out of the shadows and trees. Diavola suddenly is not with them and is nowhere to be seen.

The adventurers detach themselves and take the creepy crawlies on, killing all of them, Diavola comes out of her cover and sneak attacks them, the adventurers realizing she was just getting better positioning. Suddenly, a bigger giant spider comes out, a queenlike crown on it.

They take on the spider queen, Amaya setting it on fire at the last second, letting it burn and die in flames. Gobby appears out of nowhere and starts rummaging through the corpse. Out of the corner of their eyes, they notice him get a red stone and put it into his arm. It fits.

The adventurers walk out of the canopy o see a large temple-like structure coming out of the ground. They head inside, It has 3 treasure chests inside, a built-in watchtower, and some windows.

Amaya finds a shield in a chest, Aries finds 500gp and Jack Paul finds a Golden Monkey Idol.

They put down their things and set up a campfire. Gray blocks the windows and entrance with some rocks and sits down. Jack Paul takes the watchtower and holds guard over the sleeping party.

Before going to sleep, Amaya notices that on a mural on the wall, there is the same giant figure but 4 circles are at the bottom of him. One of these circles is Yellow.

Diavola turns around, holding a frog. "Something came up. I'll have Diavolo, the other boss come help. He'll be a better teacher than me anyway, he would probably meet you in the morning." She sneaks out, jumping off the watchtower and disappearing into the night.


Check out the story! I don't have the link atm but it's written by the person who made/controls Gray, I really reccomend reading it tbh <3

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