Wolf and Bunny

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A lone wolf wanders the forest in search of food. He sniffs the area for any fruit or berries, leaving the supposed preyed animals alone. E/C orbs shone under the sun as he spots a bush of berries, he sniffs for any danger before having his fill. The sweetness of the berries fills his mouth such joy, his tongue asking for more. However, it was interrupted by a rustling in a nearby bush. He, curious and cautious, crept towards the bush with much carefulness, unsure if the animal was a friend or foe.

What came out, however, was a pink bunny with brown eyes, tears flooded down his face as it looked down at his foot. The wolf followed it's gaze to see it's foot caught in a bear trap, blood oozing from the broken skin. Struck by sympathy, the canine nudged the bunny's back with his nose.

The bunny, startled, whipped it's head to meet pretty E/C eyes and sharp canine teeth. Fur color shining in the sunlight, giving it a majestic glow to its beauty. The wolf nudges the caught foot of the bunny, quickly making the said animal understand. The bunny moved, making space for the canine. The wolf placed one foot on the lower jaw of the trap, using it's jaw to grab the upper jaw, before pulling them apart.

The makeshift space was enough for the omnivore to remove it's foot, before the carnivore released the trap. It closed with a sharp SNAP. The wolf turned back to the bunny, who's holding it's foot in pain. It furrows it's brows in concern before licking the wound clean, the bunny surprised at the action.

When the wound was clean, the wolf took an improvised vine bandage before wrapping it around the wounded limb. The bunny watches carefully, looking for any signs of lies or deception from the canine. When the wolf is done, the bunny taps the ground, testing it's foot. The bunny winces at the slight pain in it's foot, but besides that, it's better.

The bunny smiles at the wolf in gratitude, the latter nods in a 'your welcome'.

That's the story of the wolf and the bunny.

Characters:Y/N-Wolf, Honey-Bunny

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