Chapter 1

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I ran through the halls weaving around people and ignoring their protests, in a hurry to get to Dustin.

He was in our ships hospital....AGAIN.Most likely just another scheme that him and his friends thought of, I just want to know why its always him that ends up hurry. I always have to look out for him, putting my needs second. Of course the boy should have been in second school now....He most likely ignored his datapod and skipped  to mess around with his friends.

I rush into the main area of the hospital,wondering what he's been up to this time. I glide past the head nurse, heading to the room I know they'd put him in...the one our brother died in.Its the only room he'll stay in long enough for the doctors to treat him.I look him over and groan inwardly, his left arm is in a bright blue cast. 

I sign him out and we leave, getting in the hovercar and waiting for an explanation. He gulps and i roll my eyes, deciding he isnt talking fast enough I quiz him "What in the hell were you doing" 

He stares out the window and calmly answers me " Driving a hovercar"

I grip the wheel and start it,not saying a word. When we get home he looks up at me and waits for me to get out of the car,biting his lip and staring at me. When I do finally look at him I shake my head and climb out,closing the door and walking into our apartment.My ex-boyfriend Kyle is waiting on the porch ...I guess seeing my face made him back off because he didnt touch me or try to talk to me, he just left.When I enter the house Dustin just pauses at the door, waiting for me to say something but I just sigh and shake my head,pointing at the table where his snack is and heading upstairs.I take a long hot shower and let the water relax my muscles.When I wash my hair it feels amazing and it smells like strawberries and watermelon.

When I finally come out I get dressed in sweats and one of my old vintage tee's  I immediately find Dustin on the front porch,swinging his leg over the edge of the railing.I walk up behind him and tap his houlder whispering " We need to talk buddy"

He turns around and I see his eyes are red and his cheeks are puffy.I wrap my arms around him and hug him tight, feeing horrible about ignoring him.I pat his back and apologize profusely,feeling bad about making him cry.

After we make up I take him into the living room and tell him how nothing like this can ever happen again, or the neighbors will report us.I cant have his name in the system or they'll take him and give him away to someone who cant make new babies. I must protect my family.I leave napping on the couch and rush outside,pulling up my datapod info and checking for the blueprints Ive "found"

I used to be a good girl, but now Ive got to keep my family safe from our leaders, even if it means going back....

To Earth 

A/N Crazy short I know but I update daily so SMILE RIGHT NOW :)

Thank you see you tommorow Romancers :):) :) :) 

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