Kari- Found You...Whats your secret

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Iv'e been watching this black car outside my houe for 2 hours, it pulled up, no one got out and it hasnt moved since, I just know were being watched so I gather everything I know that has information and everything that we might need.I wake Dustin up and lay clothes out for him,telling him to get dressed. As soon as he's done I push a bag on his shoulders and pull him outside,heading toward a cave I found in the woods.I push ahead until I hear someone breathing a bit to heavily to be Dustin so I pull him to a stop and hold a finger to my lips,effectively silencing him. I crouch down and eye the man as he walks by ,oblivious. He is much bigger than me, a burly man about 6'5,  so I know the only way I'll be able to take him down is to knock him out. I pour alcohol on a peice of cloth and leap onto his back,hlding it to him face and cutting off any air except what goes through the cloth.I jump out of the way as he falls and wince when his arm hits a rock and starts to bleed profusely. Now theres a trail to this mystery man, Iv'e got to get him out of the open so it looks like he's coming with us to the cave. With Dustins help I drag the man to our hidden cave and we tie him up. I look at dustin and motion around us, "Get some sleep buddy, you look tired"

He simply nods his head and yawns " Mm Hmmn"

I sit down right next to the man and stare at him,willing him to wake up, after an hour I doze off .



I really miss my Mom sometimes, like right now when Im sitting in this huge empty cave fake sleeping.She used to make me drink milk before bed,tellling me I wanted to be strong.I can't even look at milk without remebering her, and how she died. Kari doesnt even know that I know the truth about how she died...I was there, I watched and I didnt help. Those men hurt my mom and I sat there and watched like I was afraid, because I was.I was too scared to help my own mom At least Kari tried to help,kicking and punching the men...acting like she knew mom wanted her to.    I didnt 

I recognize this man and I am not going to be afraid now so I sit and wait for Kari to fall asleep before marching over to him an kicking him in his junk, HARD.i squeeze my eyes closed and listen to the barely there scream he makes.

I am so sick of people hurting my family and Im not going to let it happen ever again

 I bite my lip and ball my fists,hitting the man again as another though occurs to me. He was going to hurt Kari, and he deserves to pay, just like he made my family suffer, he will suffer.

I punch him in his face and knee him in the stomach,repeating this over and over. I grunt out words in between my hits. "Don't" *punch* "Ever" *punch* "Come" *punch* "Near" *Punch* "My Family"

I pause my assualt and look at him, lying on the ground on the brink of conciousness.I lean down and whisper in his ear "Or I'll hurt you so much you'll wish you were dead" . I punch him 1 last time before wiping my hands on his shirt, wiping off the blood.Once Im clean I lie down and drift off, finally feeling at ease , kinda like Iv'e made my peace.Maybe now Kari and I can be happy now, for good this time, instead of someone coming around and messing ouur lives up

I hope so....

A/N I thought about it and Ive never really given Dustins age {Its 13}                                                 the pic on the side  ((Or top if your on mobile)) was really true and it hit home for me, go for whatver you want to do, nothings holding you back but stupid FEARS

Fear - [1]an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat[.A] figment of imagination more often than not.[3]Mankinds  way of not reaching full potential

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- Liz

Favorite Character??? Kari or Dustin???

Btw- Kari's name is pronounced -CARE-EE So if you see Kar is like saying Care

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