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          *Yamaguchi POV*

          The day after our first practice, if you'd call it that, was messy. Hinata had gotten a guitar, but he wouldn't stop plucking random strings creating a noise I can only describe in one sentence; Fire this world into the sun and let it burn.

          "Hinata! Please stop." Suga yelled over the notes. "What?" Hinata yelled back. Hinata stopped playing foe a second, letting our ears live. "Stop, I think that's good." Suga explained. Hinata simply nodded, though I could tell he was sad he was done. "Now that everyone has done something with their instrument," Daichi said, "We should probably set up a concert, or at least some form of debut."

          "Wait what?" Noya said, running up to Daichi's face. "WE ARE AN ACTUAL BAND NOW?" Daichi nodded slowly. "But I thought this was like, just for school?" Noya backed up a little. "Well the school already has a band, so it doesn't need us. But we can still start one." Daichi explained. Everyone thought for a second.

          "So will we be famous?" Kageyama broke the silence with his question. "Well, yeah. If we're good enough, that is." Suga commented getting his things. "We'll get really good! People will come all over just to get to one of our concerts!"

          "Um.. Can I say something?" I spoke up over the group. Everyone looked at me. "What is it?" Hinata asked. Oh great now I can't even talk... "Uh.. well.. I think this is a really good idea." I pressed my hands together. "Like, we'll do really well." Again, silence. "Yeah!" Noya and Tanaka screamed in union.

          *POV switch to TsukkiBoo cuz DINOSAURS*

          "One question." I raised my hand. They looked at me like I was going to kill them. "How long are we doing this for?" Suga shrugged. "As long as we can I guess." Well that was vague. "Okay." I mumbled. The team started talking again as I left. I had only just gotten to the bus stop when I heard someone running up behind me. Turning, I realized it was Yamaguchi. "Did you need something?" I asked. There it is again. That stupid feeling.

          "No, I was just wondering if I could walk home with you?" He asked with a smile spread across his face. "Sure I guess." I shrugged. The walk sign turned green and we started off. I guess at some point Yama had started talking about something, but I couldn't focus. that stupid "feeling" was throwing me off.

          "... Tsukki?" Yamaguchi was waving his hand in front of my face. Snapping back to reality, I asked, "What? Is something wrong?" Yamaguchi shook his head. "Isn't this your house though?" He pointed behind. I followed his hand and nodded. "Yeah. Will you be okay?" Yamaguchi put his hands on his hips. "Yep!" I laughed to myself I waved goodbye.

          Upon entering my house, I melted onto the floor. I crumpled myself into a ball. Not only had I figured out what the feeling was, but I also figured where it was coming from.

          *Yamaguchi POV cuz FRENCH FRIES*

          I waved bye to Tsukki and headed to my own house, which wasn't too far. I got to my house and went to my room. I layed down on my bed staring at my roof, which led my vision to the glow in the dark stars stuck there. Sure, they served no purpose since they lost their glow, but I kept them there. I recalled the time Tsukki helped put those up there.

          He said they were for little kids, but I liked them so he helped me put them up. When they were first put up, i had turned off my lights, and Tsukki and I just sat there. Staring at fake stars until we fell asleep. I smiled. That was one of my favorite memories.

          Something about memories with Tsukki makes them special.

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