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November 23rd, 2020


It was never my intention to fall in love with my best friend. I had known Fred Weasley my entire life and never knew I could ever feel this way. Our parents had been friends since their own time at Hogwarts. That meant a lot of summers and winter breaks spent hanging out in the burrow. The moment I met the twins, something clicked and we were always there for each other.

I guess things started to be different when we first began going to Hogwarts ourselves. Even though we had been sorted in the same house something had changed. The twins had begun to prank more people and I was just left in the dust. It's not that we stopped being friends, I still went to the burrow every summer and winter break, but there was a distance between us when we were at school. And a distance that had been growing even when I spent time with them every summer.

I realized that I had fallen in love with Fred the summer before 3rd year. We were in Diagon Alley shopping for school supplies and Fred and I had been left alone to find some books. We were walking around when he suddenly made a stupid joke about us being left alone and having to defend ourselves. And the way his face looked when he laughed at his own joke had me speechless. The way his eyes sparkled had my heart going in all directions.

I was certain that I was blushing. Hopefully, he had not seen how red my face had gotten because he never brought it up. After that, I knew that my feelings for him had changed drastically. I could barely be around him without my heart going crazy and my ears turning red.

Once school started again, I got it under control. There wasn't much time to spend pining over him since so many crazy things had happened that year. I blame little Harry Potter that Ron had befriended. Poor kid, parentless, and a magnet of bad luck.

There were times that I imagined if there was a possibility that Fred would ever like me back, but it was just some fantasies. Ever since the Potter kid had started coming to school, the twins and I had started to regain our old friendship, but it's not the same. I try to distance myself from Fred, from the fear of being heartbroken. He's practically a playboy, puberty had done him so well.

And I wasn't the only one to notice. Many of the girls in the school had started to pine for the twins too. Which meant I had an even worse chance of my feelings being returned than ever. Not to mention that he loved the attention and was always willing to hear out a confession. This really sucks, doesn't it?

Now it's the summer before sixth year and he has become even prettier than he was last year. I heard there is even going to be a ball this year. Maybe something good will come of it. 

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