December 3rd, 2020


The summer before sixth year was supposed to be the one summer that I finally got some peace and quiet, but of course, nothing is ever peaceful at the Burrow. So here I am, being forced to wake up early in order to hike to the Quidditch World Cup.

It's not that I don't love quidditch, it's just that if I would pick any other source of transportation than hiking any day. Because hiking is the biggest waste of time.

"How much longer are we going to wait for Harry and Ron?" I ask.

"Not too long, Hermione's probably already given them an earful about waking up at a reasonable time." George answers.

As if on cue, Harry, Hermione, and Ron come outside finally. You could tell that Ron was not too happy to be awakened.

We finally started out on our journey to the Quidditch world cup. Even though I have been friends with the Weasleys for years, it's better when I'm with my parents. I walked in the back and strayed from the group a few times. I was completely fine being alone like this.

At a certain point, Amos Diggory and his son Cedric had come and joined us on our very "fun" hiking trip. I knew Cedric, he was a very charming boy from Hufflepuff but was also another big player in the school. Girls don't call him the school's pretty boy for nothing. He'd been my potions partner in my 4th year and even then, many girls were always over him.

I could see Hermione and Ginny giving each other looks when they saw him. I couldn't blame them, he was a real catch, but not really my type.

Mr. Diggory was bragging about Cedric again. He really loves his son.

"Hello Y/N, how have you been?" Cedric asks while approaching me.

"Hello Cedric, I've been great, how about you?" I greet him.

Cedric and I kept talking to each other along the way. Talking to him had maybe my boredom go away and I felt less alone.

I felt someone staring at me. I looked up and made direct eye contact with Fred. I quickly turned away from his eyes. I didn't look into them for too long, but there was a strange look in them. It was almost like jealousy. But that wasn't possible especially if Fred was looking at me. He wasn't allowed to be jealous when he had practically ignored me and flirted with multiple girls in front of me. So much of a friend he is.

Even if we were as close as we used to be, I doubt that Fred would ever look at me with love in his eyes. I wish he'd look at me with some type of passion in his eyes. A girl can dream, can't she?

We finally got to the portkey after what felt like half a day of hiking. I wasn't the only one that was tired, Harry and Ron looked like they were about to pass out. Mood, honestly.

"Why is there is a boot here?" Harry asked.

"That's the portkey." Fred and George answer together.

"Okay everyone, you have to hold on to the portkey, or else you'll be left behind," Arthur said.

We all made sure to grab the portkey, although Harry seemed to get a hold of it at the last second. Instantly the world was spinning around and we were in the hair. Suddenly, we were falling and very quickly at that.

I felt someone grab me, it was Cedric. He and the 2 older men seemed to be completely fine and were practically walking on air. Everyone else had fallen on the ground in harsh falls that seemed like they hurt. 

Cedric had grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him. I looked at the ground and saw that Fred was looking at us again. We finally arrived at the ground and I let go of Cedric. I could still feel Fred's eyes on me. It brought a small chill down my spine.

Mr. Diggory and Cedric had left now to look for their own tent. There were thousands of tents and even more people. It was extremely crowded and we all had to stick together. We finally got to our tent.

It looked like it wouldn't be able to fit everyone, but it was bigger on the inside. Harry and Hermione looked at it in suspicion. I could tell that Harry was way more surprised by it than Hermione.

I set my stuff down in the girl's room and wandered around in the tent. It was almost the size of the burrow on the inside. It was very homey too, it felt like the burrow.

The burrow has always been like my second home. I always felt like part of the family when I was in it. Molly had even put my face on the clock. Which basically confirmed me as an official family member.

I started getting ready for the match. I was supporting Ireland because it was obvious they were good and because I wanted to spite Ron since he was bragging about Krum for a month.

The twins had also gotten me involved in their betting. They were betting that Ireland would win but that Krum would catch the snitch. A weirdly specific bet and with their luck, I did not bet with them. They're weirdly right about this type of stuff.

"Come on Y/N, just one little bet." Fred pleaded.

"Hell no, I'm not losing my money to you," I said.

"Our bet is way too specific for you to lose anything." He said.

"Exactly, it's specific and you guys have the weirdest luck ever so no, it's bound to work out in the end for you guys," I told him.

"You're no fun, you know that?" Fred said.

"I'm no fun when it's my galleons involved, either way, you don't need my bet, you're already betting against a bunch of people," I answered. 

"Why are you guys betting money all of sudden though?" I question him.

"We're planning something." He simply said.

"What are you guys planning?" I ask.

"Nothing that concerns you," he says.

"Oh come on Freddie, you know we barely talk while we're at Hogwarts, I wanna know!" I exclaim.

"George and I want to start a joke shop after Hogwarts." He said.

"Really?" I ask, sounding surprised.

"Don't sound so surprised and I don't need a lecture about how we could be doing something better in order to earn money, Mum's already got that covered," Fred said.

"I'm not gonna lecture you, but if you need any help, you know I'm always here," I say.

"I didn't take you for the type to be into joke shops," Fred said.

"Well, I changed a bit while we were at Hogwarts, not like you seemed to notice," I reply.

"Y/N, you know I'm sorry about that, I'm just busy with quidditch and pranking." Fred apologizes.

"I've forgiven you, but I'm still allowed to be salty about it," I answer.

I know if I ever ignored him for so long, he'd prank me himself. He literally made my hair bright cyan when I bragged about getting a better potions grade than him. Jerk, he doesn't even study!

"Now, let's go, I placed a few of my own bets and I want to see the result of the game," I say dragging him outside the tent.

"That's my girl, I knew you wouldn't be able to resist a bet," Fred says.

I knew him calling me his girl had made my face extremely red. That little bitch! If I weren't so nice, I would've hurt him for that.

"Stop standing there let's move Y/N!" Exclaimed Fred dragging me to where everyone else was waiting.

"Alright everyone, let's go to our seats, we have a long climb ahead of us," Arthur said.

I completely forgot I actually have to climb today. Maybe, I force one of the twins to carry me. Nah, they'll force me to place a bet with them for that to happen. Not that I wouldn't mind losing a few galleons if I got to be in Fred's arms.

Control yourself Y/N! The chance of that ever happening and him liking you back is zero to none! Let's just watch the game and hope for the best. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2020 ⏰

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