First day

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Part 1

Hey, my name is Yuri Sawamura, I'm 16 years old and it's my first year at karasuno high school. My brother, Daichi Sawamura, goes here and is the captain of the volleyball team. If I'm being completely honest i'm not that nervous to be in a new school, barely fazes me even. But I guess I'll have to tell you a little about myself before you go on thinking what I'm like.

I'm the type of girl who would go along with anything, tell me to jump off a cliff, I'll do it. Tell me to eat a whole pizza, I'll do it. I'm mostly laid back and I let the world worry about my problems, even though I barely show my problems. I overthink a lot, I like art, musc, sports, and literally everything else. I don't have an opinion on anything, I wont judge anything or anyone. Gay? Good for you. You like to eat bugs? K love that for you. Do you always fail miserably? I'll help you the best I can, but good job!

I play almost every sport. I have info on every one of them, I know how to play. I'm not any pro like my brother but I know my way around the courts and fields. But as you can guess, I'm more talented in volleyball because of my brother teaching me each time he learns something new.

oh , i don't like pumpkins.

Anyway back to karasuno, I know the school like the back of my hand, since my brother usually practices with the team a lot, I roam around his school as I wait for him to take us home. I usually went to karasuno after school.

But since i go here now, i can stay in the gym and study while i wait for him to finish practice. Back to the first day of school. Me and my friends go together, we all go to karasuno. I took them to their classes and then I went to mine. Not to brag or anything but i'm a year above my friends. i 'm taking things the second years are taking, which means I won't see any of my friends in any of my classes, just lunch.

As I entered my first class, the teacher looked at me and proceeded to say, "oh class, this is Yuri, she will be joining our class this year." I gave a small wave and said, "yo." Someone then said, "I've never seen her around, isn't she in her first year?" The teacher then replied with, "yes Yui is above her year and is going to be joining your year for all your classes." he paused for a minute," Yui, why don't you tell us about yourself?"

"No thanks." I took my seat. The class looked shocked, I don't know why, it's not like I'm obliged to tell them about myself. I sat next in the back of the class next to a boy with dark green hair. "hi there, I'm Tadashi Yamaguchi." he said while putting his hand out. "Hi Tadashi Yamaguchi, i'm Yuri Sawamura." I shook his hand and looked away.

"Daichi?" he questioned while looking a bit shocked. "Do you know Daichi Sawamura?" he asked me. I looked at him, "yeah, he's my older brother. You know him?" I asked.

"Yes! He's my team captain! I didn't know he had a younger sister." he said with excitement. "Well now you do" I said with a smile. After that we finished out class and talked a bit after, he told me to swing by the gym after school. I accepted because I needed to give Daichi his phone anyway, the idiot forgot it at home.

After school, I packed my things and got my bag. I was about to leave when I remembered that I needed to go to the gym.

I opened the door and they all suddenly stopped playing, weird right? I saw Yamaguchi, he saw me as well. He greeted me with a hug and I hugged him back. " Yuri, you made it!" he said with a smile. Some weird french fry guy glared at me when Yamaguchi said hi to me, "Yeah, I had to come anyway. SOMEONE forgot their phone at home." i said while glaring at Daichi.

Daichi then realised i was in the gym and came to me immediately. "What are you doing here?" he said." Wow i cant watch my own brother play AND give him his phone back? Damn that's sad i'll just go" i said sarcastically. "Haha very funny, give me my phone. And how do you know Tadashi?" he said with an eyebrow up. "He's in one of my classes, plus he's cute, so why not?"

Yuri SawamuraWhere stories live. Discover now