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It's been a month since I met the team. I didnt wanna join the girls volleyball team because I wanted to focus more on my studies, but... either way I joined practice with the guys to help and see how good they play.

I met some new people and made friends at school. They aren't much thought since I spend a lot of time with Kei teaching him more blocking tips everyday. Yamaguchi also practices with us at times. Actually, he's the one who asks us to practice with him. I don't find it annoying though, it's cute.

Since Tadashi was the first friend I've made in karasuno, I spent more time with him than anyone else. My friends from junior high don't go to karasuno anymore though. Instead they moved to Aoba Johsai High. I haven't seen them ever since they left, we have all been really busy with school and volleyball, the only time we can talk to each other is late at night. I miss them.

A little while after that, the boys have a practice match with Aoba Johsai. I don't know any of the players on the other team but i figured that if i wanted to see my friends this was a chance i had to take. Which also meant i had to ask daichi...oh boy.

After school I went to the gym to see Daichi and ask him. I walk in and I'm early, which means it's only Suga and Daichi right now strategizing about new tactics they could do in the game. I let out a sigh and said, "Heyyy there older brother, how are you on this fine day??" he already looks pissed. "Hm? What's with you asking how my day was? What do you want?" he said while looking at me weirdly.

"Mee? What noo i don't want anything from you I'm just asking you how your day was.." He was going to say something, so I spoke really fast and asked him before he could scream. "Can I please go with you to your practice match please please please." i said that so quick i dont think they heard me.

Then I hear a voice behind me, "Of course you can come, you could've just asked me instead." I turned around and it was Takeda! I got so excited I ran up to him and hugged him tight, thanking him over and over again. "Haha, it's okay, it's okay. Plus if you want to help Yachi being our third manager then you should definitely come."

"NEW MANAGER!?" two voices yelled, it was noya and tanaka! I didn't want anyone to know i wanted to be their manager yet but i guess it's okay. "Hm? Oh yes I want to be your manager." I replied to them while shaking my head in minimum embarrassment. 

"YURI THAT'S SO COOL!! WE CAN HANG OUT EVEN MORE NOW!!" they both said that with so much excitement, I joined them in their little dance. "Why didn't you tell me you wanted to be our manager?" Daichi asked me. "I was still hovering over the idea, I wasn't sure yet." I said as I rubbed the back of my head.

A few days later, it was time to go to the match. I can tell that Kageyama was stunned, I didn't know why but he was more ticked off than usual. Daichi and I were on our way to school, we were walking. We weren't talking, it was just him on his phone while I was listening to music through my headphones.

He stopped walking and I paused my music asking why he stopped and he said, "I know that you went to shiratorizawa.." I stopped walking. "What?" I asked. "Last night. I saw you leave the house." he said with a concerned look on his face.

"So you followed me?" I said. "Yuri, I know that you and Tendo made a friendship through the last few summers, but you can't sneak out to meet him. AND to his guarded school. What if you get caught? What then??" he said, looking a bit more concerned.

"Daichi his school is close to home, and considering I can't see Himari that much anymore, I'll gladly go to Shiratorizawa." I said, kinda pissed. "How about you meet him and his team in a more valid place next time you wanna see your friend?" he said, continuing to walk.

Yuri SawamuraWhere stories live. Discover now