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"You know, I'm starting to get the feeling Dad's avoiding us," Five commented as Em and Diego joined him.

Lila sighed, "Hate to be the boring one, guys, but, uh, it's time to get the hell out of here."

"When you say 'we', who exactly are you referring to?" Five asked, furrowing his brows.

"Not a lot of ambiguity in that sentence," Lila said, shrugging.

"Listen, I don't know who you are or where you came from, but whatever it is, I'd advise you return posthaste," Five said firmly.

Diego heard the police sirens in the distance and stepped closer to Five, "She's right, Five. We gotta get outta here."

"I just saved your life, you kinder-shit," Lila spat angrily. "If I hadn't stepped in, all that would be left of you is a blazer and some bloody socks."

"And that's the problem," Five noted seriously. "You're too good. You ask too many questions. You know too much. And you fight like you know what you're doing."

"He's got a point," Diego said, looking at Lila with suspicion.

"Thank God," Em muttered in relief.

"So I know how to handle myself, and that makes me the bad guy?" Lila asked incredulously.

"Whoever you are, you're in my way," Five said firmly. "If I see you again, I will kill you."

"Oh, you better hope he sees you before I do," Em noted dryly as Five walked off.

Lila started walking away but stopped when she noticed Diego and Em hadn't moved.

"Diego, we need to go," she said.

"I was getting my ass handed to me back there," Diego said seriously, approaching her. "You helped Five, not me. Why?"

"Because he's a kid and you're a man," Lila said incredulously. "Bloody act like one."

Em chuckled with disbelief, "Bullshit and you know it. Five's not a child and you happen to know that, I don't know how or why, but as he said it himself you know too much. There's a reason you followed Diego and yet you were more than happy to leave him for dead." she stood close to Lila and whispered. "If I see you again, I won't kill you, I'll do much worse."

Diego nodded as Em walked away.

"Diego I -I" Lila tried explaining. "We shouldn't -"

"You know what," Diego said seriously. "I'm used to dealing with liars, Lila, but I like it better when I know what they're lying about.

He walked away, ignoring Lila's calls as he caught up with Em and Five.

"We should get home," Five said pensively.

"Yeah," Em nodded quietly.

"Princess, you ok?" Diego asked, placing his arm around her.

"As ok as I can be after seeing my dead torturer," Em said, shrugging. "You?"

"Meh," Diego muttered, his shoulders falling. "I actually thought she was my friend."

"I know, I'm sorry," Em said softly, hugging Diego.

The next day at Elliott's, Em watched baffled as Luther made an entire pan of scrambled eggs.

"No, no, no, I don't understand," Diego said, pacing the kitchen. "They keep following me."

"Wait, who?" Luther asked in confusion.

"Those Dutch sociopaths," Diego answered.

"They're Swedish, you idiot," Five corrected impatiently. "Hired guns paid to eradicate us before we do any more damage to this timeline."

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