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They had a great dinner. Emily learned a lot about the profession of Raphael tonight. In childhood, young Raphael came with his father to Orly Airport and watched for hours how these "huge birds" - planes, take off and land. And then he decided that he would definitely become a pilot. 

In school years, Raphael got another hobby - computers. And so life happened, he became a programmer and began his career where he dreamed, namely in Airbus. Having finished dinner, they went outside. Fresh spring air. Both of them did not want to end the evening, they did not want to return home.

- Where do you usually go after dinner? - asked Raphael.

- I usually go to the Tuileries Park. - and Emily continued. - That day, I went out Alsace and headed to the park. But, one fine moment, I changed my mind and headed for Montaigne Avenue.

- Then let's go straight, and then we will decide where to turn. 

They walked along the Champs Elysees in the direction of Place de la Concorde.

- Why are you smiling like that? Well, tell me!

- When Andre said that you are Manon's friend and also will go to the party, I was happy. And honestly, I was looking forward to seeing you again.

Emily smiled. Any girl would be pleased to hear such words.

- And when I saw you, I simply did not know how to do this.

- What to do? – asked Emily.

- Become acquainted.

- You want to say that you were scared to come up and just say "Hello"?

- No, not scary. When I saw you in that red dress, I doubted that such a girl would want to become acquainted with me. 

His gaze, piercing gaze drove Emily crazy. There was severity, sincerity, admiration, interest in her. And his charming smile added charm, giving him a mysterious look. They stopped at a traffic light near Place de la Concorde. Raphael put his hand on Emily's waist. A thunder of excitement instantly hit her, goosebumps ran through her body. She felt the aroma of his perfume, she was not yet so close to his body. Emily closed her eyes, and tried to overcome these emotions, which did not let her to think. No one, no one had such an effect on her from men. The green light turned on, and they began to cross the road, Raphael had to remove his hand.

They walked through the park. All evening, Raphael told Emily about his work. And tobe honest, she had never been so interested in listening. Probably two hours have passed or maybe three. Both of them had fun with each other. Emily and Raph managed to get around the park several times. 

- It's too late, - Emily looked at her watch, it was almost 2 o'clock of night.

- I'm taking you home, - Raphael said.

They were already approaching Emily's house and Raphael suggested:

- I have a day off on Tuesday. I invite you to spend this day together.

- I'll think about your proposal, - Emily answered with a smile.

- I'll pick you up at 9 in the morning, - Raph insisted.

- I haven't given you my consent yet, - Emy replied coquettishly.

They have already approached her house.

- Until Tuesday, - Raphael said all the same insistently.

- Then until Tuesday.

Raphael approached Emily and gently kissed her cheek:


Emily ran into her apartment, tears appeared on her face, but it was tears of happiness. Happiness overwhelmed her. 

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