Day 2 - Pinkie

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Anna, Eduardo and the kids were outside today. Lucky they had a picnic table.

Anna paced the ground, not quite sure what to feed these little monsters, aka the children whom ripped up her favorite clothes, ruined the yard, blah blah blah; she could go on for minutes. Minutes! Technically a lot of time.. right? Yeah, yeah, let's get back to the story.

Anna couldn't think of anything to feed them. The kids began to grow impatient; no way they could sit still for another 2 minutes. All of a sudden, she had an idea! Ripping a page out of her notebook, she scribbled a picture of Pinkie Pie, then pouring water and sprinkles over the page.

Pinkie pie, covered in confetti and sprinkles, popped out from the paper. 3D and all! She turned to Anna, and Eduardo who was in shock.

"Hello fellow friends, what may i do-osy for you-sy today!?" She cheered, bobbing up and down.

Eduardo shook his head. "Shut the fu-" Anna covered his mouth, then pushing him out of the way. "I'd like anything from Sugar Cube Corner's menu, pretty please!" She yelled back. The kids started giggling, From Rafa to Deny and so on. Red, though, was just playing with worms in the mud.

Pinkie pie viewed the children, counting them at the speed of light. "Sure thing, Anna! I'll be back in a itsy bitsy!" She hollered, running back through the paper that now formed a confetti portal. Anna turned to Eduardo, who had fallen from earlier. She helped him up, "You gotta be nice-er!" She pouted, but before she could say another word, Pinkie ran out of the portal with, like, 20 cupcakes and cakes straight into her.

"OOOPSIE-DAISIES!" Pinkie collapsed, but managed with her super cool Pinkie powers to take hold of all the cakes, stacking them together. Anna fell backwards, but before she hit the ground Eduardo caught her. Her face was red as she stood up. "Thank you, i guess.." Eduardo just nodded, smiling slightly. Pinkie cooed. She had already served the kids the perfect amount of cake, which was always too much.

Aki and Rafa dug their heads into the cake, meanwhile Red and Deny were munching on their serving like a mature kid would. Everyone was enjoying their plate, as Pinkie Pie brought extras for the adults.

Well, everyone but Original. He had his head face first into his cupcake, and stayed like that for the next hour.

Pinkie pie turned, handing Eduardo the leftovers which he took to the fridge.

Anna thanked her, and without further ado, the Pink pony left.

The day went on as normal, she sent them to the basement to play.

Meanwhile, in the bushes, were two eyes staring at the house in the dead of night. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2020 ⏰

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