Chapter 1: Across The Globe

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        Do you ever fathom words? Or pretty much anything? Poems, art, stories, music, and acting help express many wonderful things. But how do we express those feelings? How do we get a message out? For example, in the Little Mermaid Ariel wants to be with Eric so bad she trades her own voice and tail for a pair of legs. The lesson of that tale is that you should never give up a talent that makes you unique. In Jack and the Beanstalk, Jack climbs the beanstalk and steals from the giants and gets in trouble. The lesson there is to never steal from others. Now, it's time for us all to make a story.

        A year ago, when I was 17

        I'll fit in for real today! I know I will, I just will!

        Repeatedly I chant this, but sometimes it doesn't happen. The other kids, they think I'm weird. Today is the first day of a new highschool. I'm in 12th grade. I moved acrossed the globe here to Canada. Back where I'm from, New Zealand, I was homeschooled. You might think "why would her parents homeschool her for ages and then right beofre college, she goes to a public school?" well, my guess is as good as yours. I've overheard my parents talking about finding a new therapist for me. They found a likeable one all the way in Canada so we moved. Goodbye beautiful beaches and palms trees, goobye oceans and the smell of sea salt fresh in the early mornings when I would surf!

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