Chapter 6: Back to School

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My few weeks at home was the best weeks of my life. No homework, just me and my sad moping. Now, I am back at school with all of the crudeness, where all of the kids can put me down to my inside misery. I trudge to first period, and there the first thing I notice is that the school halls was crowded more than usual.

The first thing that rushes through my head is I have to remember that I am at school and not at home; I have to refresh my mind about the rules to this school, which is Harlem Prep. I take out my old homework and place it on the side of my desk.

The warning bell rings, and students speed inside the classroom, racing to their seats. A chair, next to me, screeching the hard floor, which is hurting my ears; I know for a fact that is the "Annoying China." I twist my head to the side to see if my brain was correct, but I am totally wrong.

Jet-black hair, rich, hazelnut eyes, thinned face, and amazing pale skin just like mine. My eyes are studying from left, right, across, and diagonal. My first thought was who was he? How long has he been here at this school? Oh my..he looks like he was dropped out of heaven.

Ms. McKelvey starts off the period with a nice greeting and a warm smile. Some of the students decided to smile back when I can't.

She looks back at me, clueless. I don't glare at anyone. A moment later, Ms. McKelvey teaches the class about Chemical Reactions and jokes about the Elements in the Periodic Table. Most of them were kind of funny, and others were not. Either way I am still bored just sitting here, listening to them.

She walks over to my desk, and I didn't need to raise my hand.

"You need to sit up, darlin'," She speaks.

I lean off the desk.

"Come with me outside." She orders, I command anyway without attitude.

We both walk out, she holds the door for me. I tilt my head back for a rest in the back of my neck, looking up, and roll my head up. Much better. She folds her arms and starts talking. My head feels a little dizzy.

"What happened to you for the past few weeks?" She asks me.

I think I should report him, but I don't want to get myself into trouble.

"Many things..." I say, taking my of her.

"You can tell me anything; you know that right?"

Lunch times arrives and I find a seat that's not anyone, but I see most are filled. Eventually, my eyes scanned for room. There were two seats across from a blonde-hair girl with a bitter-sweet attitude. I don't glare back even if she's looking back at me.

School rules are not that simple to follow, but we all do it because we have to make it to end, college graduation. I look up to see if the coconut-haired boy was ever around, but looks like he's not here today. I inhale my to cool down, in other words, I am trying to stay calm. No one is looking at me, no one.

I look at the clock; it's twelve minutes past 11:30am. My mind throws images around about that boy I saw earlier. I didn't talk or made any conversation with yet, but I will do that soon. In the future, I will have confidence to speak to someone.While noticing, two people in front of me stared at me because I was smiling. Oops. My cheeks dropped.

Now, I feel like an Idiot.

It's now fifth period, and this is my last one. Its music class.

Mr. Owen has been teaching for several years, and he's seen many talented kids graduate and run off to college. At lunch today, I heard the conversations about him at lunch today and saying that he's the best. I wasn't sure if that was true, then most kids were criticizing about the type of style he wears, casual wear.

All of the students are lined up against the wall, just waiting for him to tell us to enter. While waiting, I check the back of the line to see if I was safe, but I didn't see just that; the guy I was fantasizing about earlier, was actually behind me. Oh no, what do I do? Should I pretend I didn't see him, I thought.

Mr. Owen rushes us all inside at the last minute of the bell. I set my backpack down on the floor, and I hold my head up, glaring at him. The rest of the class helps themselves get tranquilized, so he could teach. The new student, who was behind me, is now sitting in front of me. My legs muscles are starting to feels fragile and I can't move any other muscles on the inside of my body; it's like when he's around I freeze and feel paralyzed.

"Good afternoon, class. Some of you haven't or have that I have been teaching for years, and I've taught student here at Harlem Prep for ten years now. Over the past few weeks, based on your behavior and homework, I know the ones who want to graduate and those to the next level of high school year. If anyone wants to plan tricks or any type if sinister schemes, I will join you too, to the principal's office."

He begins to pace, then abolished pacing again. His deep-blue eyes falls hard on me. He caresses his trimmed beard as he focuses on my low-esteem self. I examine his face at all, but I can just feel his eye on my dull, blonde hair.

"Excuse me," he talks out loud, trying hard enough to receive my attention. "You with the blonde hair."

I knew he was talking to me for sure. I look up, right, left, and down again. Everyone is staring at me, like I was about to get into a fight or something.


"What's your name?"

"Paisley Henderson," I muffled.

"Speak up. I can't hear you." He states.

I take a sigh before I could speak again. "My name is Paisley Henderson."

He picks up his yellow, translucent clipboard."Oh yeah, I have you on my roster, great."

My neck cringes down to the floor again before I could I realize what happened. Mr. Owen continues on with his lesson plans. He teaches us about musical artists from the ones who made history until now. For example, Bob Marley to Mahalia Jackson to Maya Angelou to Ray Charles to Madonna to Christina and lots more. Mr. Owen assigned us to complete the two-page packet with a partner.

"Paisely your partner is Mason." He says.

"Who's that?" I ask.

He raised his hand in front of me. I smile hard.


Hey guys! I know you've been wondering where have I been this past couple months, but I have been feeling very lazy about my writing! As you can see, I used less vocab words! that's not good. And I haven't been doing any Picture editing for a over a month, which is crazy. But I have to continue this story because I was very eccentric about the book when it first came out! Literally! I feel bad now! :( sOORY!

Fans, please don't give up on my please don't!

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