Chapter 2

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The next week consisted of the same routine. Always in the same bed, always holding hands with Dean falling asleep first. Tonight was no different, apart from the bar they decide to hit after a very successful hunt before heading home. An easy salt 'n' burn which went down without a hitch. Celebratory drinks were purchased and consumed by the Winchesters and their partner. They sat on the stools awaiting their next drinks while Y/N was approached by a man. Not unattractive by any means, well built and clean. Sam looked over watching the interaction and Deans behaviour knowing full well he may have to break up a fight if it went too far. Dean watched as Y/N shamelessly flirted with the gentlemen who had now caught her attention. It didn't take very long for Deans jealousy to overtake him as he clenched his fist around is beer bottle his posture tall and rigid. Y/N turned to the boys after wishing the stranger a good night.
"Hey guys I'm kinda beat, what'd you say we head home?"
"You turned down Prince Charming?" Trust Dean to make the ridiculous comments.
"Actually no, I told him I'd be more than willing to run away with him and have all his Prince Charming babies in his castle, but he didn't want to make my boyfriend angry." Trust Y/N to throw the comment right back at him.
"What boyfriend?" Y/N looked at Dean, a smirk on her face with one eyebrow raised as she pointed at him.
"He said you looked angry and didn't want to provoke you by talking to me. So thanks for that." She started walking towards the exit a smirk on her face as Dean chased her, Sam holding up the tail laughing to himself.
"Don't blame that on me I didn't do anything! Oh excuse me for being precautions and not wanting you to get hurt!" Dean could argue all he wanted but with Sam laughing and Y/N being as nonchalant as she was, his couldn't get a reaction out of them. After getting home they all made their way to bed. As always Y/N stayed with Dean, though tonight she couldn't fall asleep and for good reason. Y/Ns phone that had begun vibrating incessantly. She snatched it up swiftly with the aim of leaving Dean to his sleep, and she managed gracefully.
What woke Dean to that night was something he would have described as a nightmare, though tonight it happened to be real and not a figment of his sleeping state. Dean opened his eye to see Y/N sitting up leaning against the headboard instead of the bright Y/E/C he was usually greeted with. Her gaze wasn't on his as he'd hoped it'd be, it was on her phone, and they weren't happy or refreshed as they ordinarily were, they were lacking in rest and filled with tears coupled with the sorrowful and provoked look on her face. Dean rushed to sit up looking at her, worry painted plain and clear on his face.
"Y/N! You okay? What happened?" His gaze had trailed to her phone which she briskly shut off, wiping tears away with her free hand.
"Dean! Sorry, I —  Sorry I didn't mean to wake you, I was just — I was reading the news." She had always been a terrible liar.
"The news made you cry?" The disbelief overtook his expression. "Y/N I trusted you with my nightmares, you can trust me with — " he waved his hand at the phone "what ever this is."
"I know, I know I just — I want to forget about it..." Deans stare didn't falter, waiting for her to continue. Y/N caved, leaning her head back and closing her eyes as though she could make it all disappear if she couldn't see anything. "I have this ex..." she peered over to Dean who made himself comfortable. She had his full and undivided attention, which she hated.
"He's mad about the breakup."
"Y/N I've known you for ages you haven't dated anyone in years."
"Oh I know...which just makes his advances and accusation all the more aggravating... His name is Jaxx. Keeps saying I messed up his life, that if I hadn't have shown up he'd have been better off. Jokes on him I was the better half of that relationship and I can say that. Anyway, um, in short he's bombarding me with texts about how I never loved him, 'bout how I played him and he's accusing me of cheating and not doing enough for him, there's more but its all the same pathetic revelations he thinks I need to know about at two am four years after our break up. I mean we didn't even date that long to begin with it took me less then two months to figure out what a pig headed loser he was — is!"
She was angry however she was crying, hurt by the words directed at her. Regardless of the fact that she knew not to take Jaxx' words to heart, she couldn't help but do just that. Seeing as he had never been good with words, Dean instantly took action, pulling her close, hugging her as she cried her way back to sleep in his arms. Dean slid down in the bed, not once pulling away from Y/Ns body or moving her to her side. Dean found it difficult to keep the butterflies at bay as he focused on her breathing. He fell asleep with his girl on his chest and a smile on his lips.
When Y/N woke she could feel Deans warm hand stroke her back and could hear a steady pulsing noise. Funny enough that, she soon identified the noise as Deans heartbeat seeing as she was still laying on his chest. She moved cautiously unaware of the fact that the man she had fallen asleep on was in fact awake as well.
"Morning, sweetheart."
"Morning, Dean. Listen about last night—"
"Its okay, really, I'm just glad I could be there for you."
"Thank you."
"You know, I seem to remember a pizza when you helped me..."
"Really? I don't." This was easy, Dean thought, comfortable, with Y/N resting gently against his chest looking up at his, his hand still stoking her back.
"Huh, I could have sworn there was a pizza."
"Oh you mean the one you finished off before I could get a chance to taste it? That pizza?"
"If I remember correctly, which I do, it was you who ate it all...before we even got home."
"Oh you mean that pizza. I do recall yes." She smiled at him "And what would you like Dean?"
"Do you really have to ask?"
"Fine but you're buying, I'm just going with you." Y/N made her way out of bed to the door.
"That's hardly fair!" He called out after her, smile adorning his face. Dean got up and moved to the bathroom stoping at the sink to look himself in the mirror.
"You're loosing this battle and you're loosing it bad. Man how does she do it." He brushed his teeth and made his way to the bunker library where Sam was researching, as always, on his laptop, books scatered over the table.
"Morning, Sammy. Y/N and I are going on a supply run, you need anything?" Deans eyes trained over the opened pages before looking to his brother, eyebrows raised as he awaited his brothers response.
"You two have been spending quite a bit of time together."
"Is that the title of a book or something you want me to pick up?" Sam watched his brother for a split second before Y/N joined them in the library dressed in Black jeans and an equally black tank top, signature hunter flannel overtop.
"Morning, Sammy. Dean and I are going on a supply run. You need anything" The boys abandoned their stare before Sam answered as Dean headed for the door.
"No. Thank you. Oh actually if you could bring back some cashews that would be great."
"Yeah, sure, no problem. See you later Sam." With that Y/N followed Dean to the garage where she was once again faced with the stunning, near mint '67 impala she had come to love almost as much as the driver. Noticing the smile decorating Y/Ns face he proceeds to say the one sentence, sworn she would never in a million years, come out of deans mouth.
"You wanna drive?" Naturally Y/N was speechless, mouth left agape as Dean held out the keys.
"You're serious..." Eyes wide she whispered, tiptoeing over to Dean.
"Yeah I figured it's about time." Y/N took the keys in her palm memorizing the weight as though this was the last time she'd ever have the opportunity to touch them, which of course wasn't true; Dean would alway give her the keys to grab things for the trunk. She eased her way into the drivers seat hardly blinking, as not to miss a detail of this experience. Taking a deep breath, her cheeks began to hurt from all the smiling as she started turned the key in the ignition bringing Baby to life.
"Oh Dean...Oh Baby!" Dean tries his best to hold back his giggles as he watched her watch Baby.
"She likes you"
"She's not a dog Dean, she a machine." He could hear the adoration in her voice as she gripped the steering wheel. Y/N proceeded to put the impala in drive, pulling out of the bunkers garage onto the road in the direction of the grocery store. Deans eyes lit up and the eruption of laughter coming from next to him. Dean moved to turn on the stereo putting in a Who tape but was interrupted by Y/N.
"Nuh-uh! Driver picks the music, shotgun shouts his cake hole! Your rules Dean-o. Look in the box, there should be an orange tape." Taken aback by her dominance, Dean looks threw the case of tapes.
"Dean-o? Really? That sounds stupid."
"Well then it's fitting isn't, and I was worried you thought it was cute."
"Haha...There's like 17 orange tape in here you wanna be more specific."
"It should say 'the best of Zeppelin' in black sharpie, my hand writing." Deans confusion and surprise grew as he finally reached for the tape decried to him.
"Put it in." Y/N couldn't help the innuendos running threw her head though Dean missed it, too consumed by shock at her choice of music as he inserted the tape.
"The first one is my favourite Zeppelin song so no interrupting." Instantly the aforementioned bands 'No Quarter' came on, filing the car with its gentle beginning. As the guitar and drums picked up Y/N smirked and nodded her head to the music.
"Just wait for the bass." Without delay the instrument picked up, engulfing their mutual ears with something Y/N could only describe as;
"Better than breathing air."
She sang the lyrics along side Robert Plant at a hushed murmur not wanting to miss the words the artist preformed. With every beat her fingers tapped on the steering, she consequently plucked at each of Deans heart strings. He felt a warm, nearly overwhelming feeling charge through his chest though as soon as he came to notice it he pushed it down just as fast as it had made its way up.
Y/N still had a smile on her face when they arrived at the grocery store though it took them longer to get there due to the scenic route the drive had taken. She got out of the car happy to have had the experience but nevertheless saddened by the slim chance of ever have it again. Y/N came around the car to Dean side holding out the keys to him before he look at her, his face expressing the utmost confusion, sarcastically so, before smiling.
"Nah, you hold onto 'em sweetheart, how do you expect to drive us home if you don't have the key."
With a shriek and a jump before clinging to the Winchesters side in show of thanks, Y/N displayed to perfection, a child on Christmas morning. Though he hugged back he watched around them, inspecting for judgmental eyes.
"We are in public!" He said
"Shit! I know." Dean began their trek to the entrance with Y/N wrapped around his waist, his arm resting on her shoulder.
Dean grabbed a buggy at the entrance pushing it to the produce.
"We gotta grab those, uh..."
"Yes, those, before we forget."
"Good idea."
The store was sparse of customers given that it was the middle of the day in the middle of the week, neither were surprised. Their cart had begun accumulating content as Dean pushed while Y/N rode on the front facing him.
"Alright, we got the bread, milk, eggs, cashews, bacon," She looks up to Dean "times two," he shrugged "snacks for the drive backend movie night," "all were missing now is —"
"Y/N?" She didn't turn to check who had called because she already knew, recognizing the voice that had yelled ta her on multiple occasions only to apologize saying he'd do better. Instead she looked to Dean who eye brows had raise in a questioning manner then focusing on the man who had called her name. Y/N hopped off the buggy slowly to be faced with the one that still managed to ruin her sleep all these years later. Dean promptly made his way to her side reassuring her with a hand on her lower back.
"Jaxx— Hi." Dean jaw visibly clicked at the mention of his title, finally putting a face to the name.
"What are the chances!" How dare he text her those things the night before only to act as though nothing happened. Dean was furious, he could fell his anger roll through him as he clenched and released his fist doing his best no to make a scene.
"Yeah..." She breathed out in shock. Not a word was spoken as they watched the ex stood in front of them.
"Can we talk?"
"No. I'm busy."
"It'll only take a second." He looked too Dean, who had taken a protective stance next to her, standing up straight and tall, shoulders back, chin tilted up slightly, a blank expression on his face.
"Just say it then."
"I was hoping I could speak with you alone."
"No." This time Dean was the one to respond to Jaxx' request.
"I wasn't really askin' you buddy."
"He's staying Jaxx. Just — say what ever you have to say, will you." It took him a moment as he held Deans stare before moving his gaze to Y/N.
"I wanted to apologize for last know... the—" He gestured using his head glancing at Dean momentarily.
"You mean the utterly untruthful and pitiful text you sent to me accusing me of things I never did." Jaxx' face went red looking to Dean. "He knows."
The Winchester found it amusing that her ex was intimidated by him with only a stare.
"Right, well, I just wanted to apologize. I was drunk and didn't mean any of it." Jaxx moved his hand to the back of his neck before continuing. "I guess I was just missing you."
"That's because I took on all the responsibilities when we were together, Jaxx. You did nothing. And you know what they say; 'drunk mans words are a sober mans thoughts.'"
Dean now had a proud smile on his face as his hand slid from her back to rest on her shoulder. Jaxx didn't know what to say to that. He couldn't argue with her, not that he'd want to, considering the towering man next to her. Jaxx examined the couple, taking in their comfort around each other. Y/N was unconsciously leaning into Dean, taking comfort in his close proximity.
"You guys dating." Jaxx finally asked. Y/N didn't even get a chance to process the question let alone think of a response before Dean spoke up.
"Well, we're certainly not just sleeping together. Not that it's any of your business." Y/N smirked at his comment, understanding the inside joke that they were in fact just sleeping together in the most literal sense possible, though Jaxx took the smile as a sign of confirmation. Neither argued his assumption or clarified, both enjoying the uncomfortable atmosphere around Jaxx.
"It was good to see you Y/N."
"It was wasn't it." She commented as Jaxx walked his way to check out line. Dean leaned down kissing the crown of her head.
"What. An asshole."
"Yeah, tell me about it."
"Right, now that that's over," He made a face of disgust as he shivered his shoulder to reinforce his implications. "where were we?" He smiled to her.
"Pie, Dean, we were at the pie. My 'thank you' for dealing with that." She pointed in Jaxx' general direction.
"Awesome, so worth it." Deans grin grew as he spotted the variations of baked goods.
As they drove back, Dean gave her permission to take the longest way home if she felt so inclined, which, needless the say, she did.

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