Bloody Sunday

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On Saturday it was Bloody Sunday
For all that don't know what happened I'll tell you-

On Sunday November 20th 1920, during the war of independence at a Gaelic match. Tipperary vs Dublin,
More then 30 people we either killed or fatally wounded.

The day before the IRA had gone and killed all of the people they taught were informing on them, they killed 15

In retaliation the British army showed to the Gaelic match, and fired into the crowd, killing adults and children alike, one Tipperary player was killed-

I will say now
We do not blame the British
And we hope that the British don't blame us
But we need to move forward from theses mistakes-

Apparently on the Saturday last week
A group Of Irish men in Liverpool started lighting things on fire and hurting passers by-
This is unacceptable
We don't want anyone to be injured because of this~


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