Chapter 4

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Lexa remained bent over the table in the meeting tent. On the table was a map of the local area. Lexa stared darkly at Mount Weather, which Clarke had defeated just yesterday. She had personally supported Clarke and the Sky people then returned to her own people after the extermination of Mount Weather. To Lexa, it felt rewarding to be rid of the Mountain Men, who turned her people into monsters.

Sharply Lexa's attention was pulled from the map after she heard Indra's call for entrance. She allowed it and turned towards her officer.

Indra strode into the tent with purpose. "Heda," she greeted. "You sent for me?"

Lexa leaned until her side pressed against the table to hold her weight. "Today Octavia of the Sky people and Lincoln will rejoin us."

Indra stiffened at the news.

"You are to take Octavia as your second again."

Indra stared hard at the commander. "Heda, they are-"

"Are what?" Lexa cut off. She folded her arms and tilted her head. A dangerous glint shined in her eyes.

Indra remained quiet and studied the commander's dark eyes. She sensed she was balancing on a dangerous ledge with the commander. For once, she dipped her head in respect.

"You may speak freely, Indra... but I advise carefully."

Indra moved closer to the commander so that she could keep her voice low. "The generals speak about what you did yesterday."

Lexa tasted a hint of worry in Indra's tone, which was unusual. Indra was one of her most loyal officers in the army.

"They feel you dishonor your own word."

Lexa was quiet as she weighed Indra's information. She pushed off the table and took a few steps away from her officer. "What do you think, Indra?" She kept her back to Indra but turned her head sidelong. "Speak true."

Indra shifted on her feet and rested her hand on a dagger's hilt at her hip. "Your judgment has been off concerning these Sky people." She paused and added, "Your judgment is clouded by your care for the girl."

Lexa turned her head forward and stared at her empty throne several steps in front of her. It was a throne and leadership that she had earned and fought for but never asked for over the years. She considered Indra's words. "Why did you take Octavia as your second?"

"Heda." Indra struggled with her own answer.

Lexa faced the officer and approached her again. "Tell me, Indra."

Indra inhaled slowly and released it as she held the commander's stern gaze. "I saw promise in the girl." She faintly nodded and added, "She would make a fine warrior in our clan."

"She still will," Lexa reminded.

"After Mount Weather, I am uncertain."

Lexa darkly smiled and argued, "You should be proud, Indra." She strolled over to the table. "She fought well."

"Perhaps so but her loyalties are lacking."

Lexa turned and folded her arms. She understood Octavia's loyalties to her brother. Her dark smile grew wider as she focused on Indra's features. "Are mine lacking, Indra?"

Indra narrowed her eyes and countered, "That girl changed you... and I do not know if for the better."

"Then you side with the generals," Lexa tempted.

Indra clenched her freehand at her side. "I side with our people, who whisper about your weakness for the Sky people."

"We cannot continue to war with them," Lexa argued. "Do you wish for more of our people to die in a war against the Sky people?"

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