God saved me in my dream

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I don't remember much but I remember my friends and I wanting to move the clouds away from the sun but it was windy that day so I was precocious about it. When we got into the tower thing we started to look for a way to move the clouds away from the sun. I told them that it might cause a tornado and I was a little scared, but they said the chances of that happening were low. We found the plug and before I could press the button I saw wind twisting and making a cone on the roof of a house. That's when I screamed "ITS A TORNADO! I DIDN'T DO IT!!" We started screaming and crying in fear as it came towards us. The tornado  had lightning in it and dark as night, it went through the building  without destroying it and took my friends and I away. We held hands and told each other "don't let go!" We were flung around and out of the tornado and towards the ground! That's when I cried out "LORD SAVE US!" And I woke up before we hit the ground.

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