Chapter 2. The Assignment.

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I was never close with the children that attended my bland colorless education facilities. I was never interested in after activities that paved the road to your next job. After all, what could possibly hold ny attention long enough, when there was a whole other world I would visit in my dream. How could anything compare to the stars that shone in the night or the breeze that sunk its self into my skin like the hugs my absent father Jace Killian greeted me with every day on the stump.

If I would have known the lack of interest I had shown would have sent me down this path, I would have tried harder. I would have tried to love something as much as the forest floor during what Jace refered to as spring. So when they called out my name and I stood up to receive my future, I went pale. Every girl in this society got nervous at the name breeder. They dreaded the term. It was a noble job and was praised heavily, but it was painful.

It was lonely and embarrassing. You were not allowed a partner and often ostracized from the society. When they called out breeder after my name, a lone tear escaped down my face and not a sound could be heard untill the whispers started. Then the next name was called and life went on for them. My brain left a mess, scrambled and in a disarray of confusing thoughts. I could not fathom becoming nothing more than a tool for society. A tool to keep our race above extinction. I sat in my chair, poised and proud despite the chaos I was going through.

When it was over I made my mind up. I made up a plan that would most likely get me into the most trouble I could possibly handle. When we were excused from the room I ran. I ran from the pain, the loneliness that would become every day life.

I grabbed a knife , that was only given us to craft as my mother was given the job chef. She made the rations in the comfort of her own home. Trying new ways to get the calories we needed to survive into smaller bars. I took the knife and ran to the next unit of housing and walked in.

Locks were a thing for the dreams that Jace procured in my head. Privacy was never allowed past a few doors. I started cutting at the sheets on the bed. Strips of fabric littered around me as I cut and cut. Tear after tear escaped my eyes as I moved onto the chairs and tables pulling them apart with my bare hands. Blood seeping into my palms recalling the red that was absent only made me work harder and faster.

Using my agression built up over the 2 years Jace was gone. I smashed the lone mirror in the bathroom. Cut the walls and carving my name into the wooden floor boards like a proud medal. Saying I did this. That I was more than what they made me out to be.

Exhausting all my energy, I slumped against the wall. Emotions seeping out of me leaving me numb to the pain. A mess on the floor, a throbbing in my hands, and a ache in the muscle in my chest surrounded me with a need for the dreams that never haunted me anymore. I slumped and fell into darkness. A dreamless sleep that haunted me with the void of black that never colored its self in.

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