Chapter 3. The Cold Concrete

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       I awoke to a sting in my left arm. My eyes shoot open and the last thing I see is a man in a bland official suit. I smiled. I smiled at the man for my self and for him. He knew why I did it. He knew My fate and he looked sad. My world tilted, and I closed my eyes to let the drowsiness that I was pushing back seep into my bones.
      I felt the cold before I opened my eyes. I smiled at the sensation. I missed feelings. I missed the sun and the cool breeze. My eye lids struggled to open. I peeled them open despite their protest. Walls were all I could see with the light they provided by one hanging light bulb in the middle of the room. No doors mean No escape and believe me. There were no doors. Seamless walls with no cracks to give a tell to a secret behind each wall.

     I wanted to be heard. I wanted all of the fake smiles and the longing that plauged me night after night. I needed my pain to be heard. It started with a small silent sob. It grew to loud wrechted wails and grew some more into screams that would give babies a run for their money. I threw my self onto my feet. I scratched at walls and when that failed to leave a mark I turned to the only thing I could use as an outlet. I pulled the lightbulb with all of my strength. Pulled it right out of the cealing and crushed the glass in my already mangled and tired hands. I ripped the wires strip by strip the parts I couldn't mangle only made it more frustraing. I probably looked like the cornered wild cat Jace had tried to catch when I was 10, but of course no one would understand that.

       That made my anger rise and my outburst immer down into an internal inferno. I waited in the dark for something to happen. Anything to sugest I am not going to sit here and starve the remaining days of my life.  My hands bleeding trough the bandages I had just noticed on me. I looked down at my clothes. They were a mangled colorless shirt and some shorts that were made for boys who grow a bit faster than most.

      I had no shoes on. Like in the forest I wokeb in often as a child, I could feel the cold floor. That was weird. I haven't felt cold since I asked the wrong questions. This sensation is setting into my bones like it had been there forever. Nessled into me as if it never left and twisted my organs to fit its growing size. It made me happy. Cold was an old friend of mine. I smiled and for the first time in 2 years, it wasn't a fabricated machine made smile. An honest to goodness man made smile. I reveled in the sensation. My fingertips were numb and my lips chatterin and blue, but I had never felt more at peace than in that moment.
    It felt like weeks has passed when I finaly fell into a song bird sleep. Rest full and quick, but most infuriatingly, colorless. When I awoke to the smell of fresh protein bars in the room, I was astonished into silence.
   Quickly forgetting that I was angry in the first place, but then remebered the reason why I needed them and I was not going to be broken by some tasteless, colorless food.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2020 ⏰

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