Chapter 1

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Amelia POV 

"Amelia! Wait up!" I turned around and saw my best friend Alexander whom I call Alex running towards me. "You fast." I chuckled as I watched him catch his breath. Alex and I have been friends for 4 years so I'm already used to his whining and complain.

"Did you finish the paper due tomorrow?" I asked and he grinned at me "Due tomorrow, do tomorrow." I rolled my eyes and he laughed at me, that's his motto mine is; needs over wants. It's always been that way anyway. The great thing about Alex is that even though he's lazy, he still gets high grades, it's all about balance.

As for myself, I can't be lazy, I have no time for that. My studies are my priority above anything else if I want to get into a pristine college, I have to study well and ace the entrance exam. I am a 12th grade student which means this school year is going to be my last as a high school student.

"Hello, are you listening?" I blinked twice and raised an eyebrow at Alex "I was asking you if you wanna have some coffee before I drive you back home." I shook my head and said "It's only 9:45 am and you're already thinking of going home?" Alex laughed and ruffled my hair.

After getting our stuff in our locker we went inside the classroom and sat next to our group of friends. "The school year just begun and you're already looking at colleges, your family is pressuring you huh?" Hadley said and I nodded my head "What are your choices?"

I took out my phone and said "Ateneo de Manila University, De La Salle University & Columbia University in New York." my friends stared at me and said "Why are you looking at Universities that aren't here in Los Angeles?"

"We have a family business in the Philippines and they want me to take over since my brother Samuel will be taking over the business here in Los Angeles." I said and Alex frowned "And Columbia?" I shrugged and said "New York City has always been a dream of mine, I guess it wouldn't hurt if I try." Hadley shook her head and said "Your Dad is going to kill you if he finds out about Columbia."

I stared at her and it took me a few moments to delete Columbia from my notes.

Dream gone.

"Needs over wants huh?" Alex whispered to me before our class began and I gave him a small smile.

It's not my needs nor wants, it's my family's.

The day past by quickly and like I said earlier I can't grab coffee because I am expected at home already, once I got in the house the house keeper Janett, welcomed me with a warm smile and I went to my room, took a bath and did my homeworks even though it's due next week.

I opened my laptop, took out my notebook and pen, placed it on my desk and before I do my homeworks, I opened my playlist, I played a song and then began to do my work.

I don't know how long it has been but my back already hurts so I stood up did some stretching and took a peak on my window and saw its already dark, I look at the time and it is already 6:30pm.

"Lia..." I looked at my door and saw my 4 years old half brother Noah, I gladly picked him up and he wrapped his tiny arms around my neck. I sat on my chair again with Noah snuggled on my neck. Since I'm already done with my homeworks, I closed my laptop, fixed my bag for tomorrow and charged my phone.

"Lia, dinner time." Janett said, smiling at me and I smiled back "I'll be down in a few seconds."

"Are you ready to eat bud?" I asked Noah and he giggled. Noah is my half brother, my father got a random chick at the bar pregnant after a business deal and the chick left the baby to us, my mom wasn't a fan at first but as time passed by she learned to love Noah as if he was her own son.

It's good though, when I leave for college this guy will have a Mom and a Dad. Of course he will be sad once I leave, he won't have a playmate anymore but I know Janett will do her best to keep Noah happy.

I placed Noah on his chair and I sat on the other side of the table.

"How was school?" Dad asked after praying and I smiled at him "School was great, I emailed you my grades." Dad nodded his head and said "I saw it after my meeting, your high grades lighten up my day. Keep it up Lia." I smiled and nodded my head.

"Do you have any assignments left?" Mom asked and I shook my head "I already finished it, why?"

"Your Dad and I are planning to go to the Philippines to acknowledge a business partnership, you're almost 18, can we trust you to keep the house and Noah safe while we're gone? It will only be 2 weeks."

I nodded my head and Mom smiled at me "You never fail us Lia, I am so happy to have you as our daughter, now, since you have high grades, what do you want us to bring you when we get back?"

"Uhm.. it's up to you guys, I'd appreciate whatever you bring me." I said smiling at them "Is Samuel going to visit while you guys are gone?"

"No, Samuel is busy with work, and soon you will be, after graduation you will have 2 weeks before your flight to the Philippines." Dad said and I bit my bottom lip before nodding my head. "Amelia, we have talked about this, the business in the Philippines needs someone who is brilliant and amazing like you."

"I know, I was just hoping I could handle the business in New York instead."

I smiled at Noah and he giggled, "Chocolate pie with strawberries on top for dessert." Janett said and I smiled "Thank you." she winked at me and I ate it while Noah stared at me. "Can Noah have some?" I asked and Mom shook her head "Noah will be having fruits instead because he already ate some of the pie this afternoon." Mom said, placing him on her lap.

"That is made with love by the way." Dad said smiling and I smiled back.


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