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Miranda scrubbed in to do the Hernia repair on the expecting mother. She saw Ben sitting in his seat preparing his tools.

“Dr. Warren.” Miranda acknowledge, greeting him.

“Dr. Bailey.” Ben replied with the same tone.

Miranda looked up as Richard and Kimberly came into the room.

“Why do we need this many surgeons in the room.” Miranda asked confused.

“What are you here for.” Miranda asked smugly.

“I have to monitor the baby.” Kim replied with a slight attitude.

Ben and Richard silently looked at each other, knowing that this was about to be a long surgery.
Miranda did the incision and started on the Hernia repair.

She listened to Richard, Kimberly and Ben talk back and forth and she rarely said a word other than commanding orders to the scrub nurse.

Miranda started looking as the woman’s stomach started filling with blood.

“What the ? Where’s all this bleeding coming from.” Miranda said feeling all round in her women’s cavity. She looked up at the monitor as it started sounding off signally the woman bottoming out.

“I can’t get a handle on the bleeder.”

“Suction.” Miranda told Richard.

“More lap pads.” Miranda told the scrub nurse.
Miranda reached in and eventually found the bleeding blood vessel and she tied it with two knots and watched as the monitor when back to normal and her blood pressure went back up.

“Dr. Bailey congratulations, I thought we lost her but you manage to-

“I can’t talk to you.” Miranda said smiling and laughing.
Ben didn't have to see her face with out the mask to know she was smiling.

They were reminiscing about when she first told him she liked him after he asked her out for Valentine’s day.

“Ad least this is better than the patient waking up on the table.” Miranda said chuckling.

“Yeah because Y’all pay the gas man who has buckets of money with reasonable hours to sit on his behind and make mistakes while you surgeons get sued for our mistakes.” Ben laughed mocking her voice.

“Uh where do you get off speaking to me like that. Nobody knows what went wrong in that o.r” Miranda said laughing at her best Ben impression.

“So this a normal thing you almost loosing patients.” Kimberly said with a slight attitude.

“Uh Dr. Williams I don’t loose patients in my whole career I have only lost 3.” Miranda said looking up at the woman, she was tired of her slick mouth.

“Beside wasn’t it you earlier that was begging for my help saying I was the best. You should be lucky I helped you, now you can go on your carnival date.” Miranda said looking at Kimberly.

“What carnival date.” Ben asked genuinely confused.
Miranda turned to look at him before she swapped back to Kimberly’s face. She had a look of embarrassment.

“ Ohhhhhhh okay . I see what it is now. No date.”  Miranda said catching on that Kimberly had lied.

Ben and Richard still looked at eachother confused.
“Well Ben did you tell them that congratulations were in order.”

“Congratulations?” Miranda questioned out loud, looking at Ben who avoided her eyes.

“Tell them Ben.”

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