Chapter six- Her Choice

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     Adrien was staring Luka dead in the eye, a look that could kill. He wasn't playing around anymore, he did something to Marinette, and he was going to tell him what it was before he couldn't anymore. Luka, though, he wasn't angry, he was smiling. He knew what he was doing to Adrien, and he was loving every second of it. All he had to do was get his and Marinette's miraculous, and he will have won. He would have beaten the beloved heroes of Paris.

     "What is wrong with you Luka, what have you done to Marinette?!" Luka face changed at his tone of voice, a look of innocence took over, that only made him angrier. He just had to kiss her, he wished they wouldn't have broken up, he could have protected her from him. Even though she might have said that she didn't need protecting, he knew she just didn't want to see him get hurt. In fact, she had made it perfectly clear that she didn't want to see him take the hit for her, but that never stopped him. 

     It was his job, as her boyfriend and her partner, they may not be on the same page right now, but that was of no matter, he still loved her. Adrien didn't know if she did, but he still needed to help her. She had always helped him in his time of need. 

     Like when he begged him father to let him got to collage after they graduated high school, when he finally said yes, he was so happy. He would be able to collage with his friends, with his girlfriend, but apparently there was only one way he would let him go. He agreed to it without even knowing what it was.

     His father was kicking him out if he left for collage, he wasn't aloud to go home again. It wasn't like that mansion felt like much of a home to him, but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt. he did still have some good memories there. This was the chance to make some new ones, so he agreed, and his father made him leave immediately. Marinette was the one that helped him get over that, and he said that he would return the favor, amid her repeating that he didn't need, him being happy was all that he needed to do.

     "I got her to do what couldn't  Adrien, I got her to love someone."

---24 hours earlier---

      "Alya you don't understand, we both said some awful things to each other, I don't know if we can recover from that." The brunette doubted that, they have had their fair share of fights before this, and sure this fight was on a whole different level of bad, they can still get over it. Nino told her about the ring that Adrien had, she had squealed and squeezed the life out of him for more details but that was all he had, unfortunately. By the sounds of it, they needed to talk, really bad.

     Marinette had said that the last time they tried to talk, didn't go as planned, instead of fixing everything, they broke up. Man, she really needed to smack some sense into this boy. "Girl, you two have been together for two years, almost three. If I know you well enough, then I know that a fight is not going to stop you." Marinette sat up, getting off of Alya, and taking the tissue she offered her. 

     Her red stained cheeks were starting to die down, but it was still visible. "Are you saying that I should try to talk to him again?" She asked her best friend, who only shrugged, putting the pile of used tissues into the garbage that is at by her bed. She was starting to think she was sick, and not just crying.

     "I'm not telling you to do anything Marinette. This is your choice to make, and no one can do it for you." Marinette frowned, that was not the answer the was looking for. She needed someone to tell her yes or no. Because right now, she couldn't choose for herself, she needed a second opinion. "Alya I really need your advice right now." 

     Alya fixed her glasses on her face and sighed, Marinette was her best friend for many reasons, some mentioned in earlier chapters, but right now, the reason is that she would do anything for her, as would Marinette. "Fine, in my own opinion, yes I think you should go and talk with him." 

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