3-Study Buddy

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It was 8:15pm when Seonghwa entered his do rn room. He still had a little over an hour before he needed to be at Lucas's so he decided that he was going to take a shower and change his clothes.

*at their dorms each room has its own bathroom*

Seonghwa put his bag down beside his desk and took his shoes off. He made his way to his closet and took out a black T-shirt, some black sweat pants, and a pastel blue hoodie.

He made his way to the bathroom and set his new change of clothes on the counter. He started stripping himself of his work clothes and then stepped into the shower. As he was letting the warm water cover his body, his mind went back to a couple hours earlier at his co-worker's house. He was glad he got invited to go because he got some new friends out of it.

After around thirty minutes Seonghwa turned off the water and grabbed his towel and stepped out of the shower. When he was done drying himself, he slipped on the fresh clothes and put the dirty ones in the clothing bin.

When he walked back out to his room, he checked his phone and saw the clock read 8:50pm.

Since he still had time before needing to head over to Lucas's dorm, he decided to lay on his bed and look through his phone.

After some time he checked his clock and saw it said 9:17pm so he got up, put on his shoes, grabbed his school bag, his keys, and finally left to Lucas's.

When he arrived at Lucas's dorm room it was 9:25pm. It didn't take long for him to walk there.

Seonghwa knocked on the door and it only took a few seconds until it opened revealing the tall male.

"Hey." Lucas said.
"Hey." Seonghwa said.

Seonghwa made his way into Lucas's room and towards Lucas's desk.

"So what should we study?" Seonghwa asked.
"Maybe maths and science? They will be the hardest on the exams." Lucas said.
"Alright, do you want the desk or the bed?" Seonghwa asked.
"I'll take the bed, you can have the desk." Lucas said.
"Okay." Seonghwa responded.

Lucas and Seonghwa both sat down in their spots, taking out their books, pencils, and highlighters.

"Okay, which first?" Lucas asked.
"How about math." Seonghwa said.
"Alright." Lucas said.

They both got their math books and started to review what they were taught in class. Every now and then they would ask each other a question regarding a math problem.

After and hour of studying, they took a break.

"Hey, you wanna go and get something to eat or something to drink?" Lucas asked.
"Sure. I haven't ate yet." Seonghwa said.
"Alright, you wanna go to the convenience store a couple blocks from the college?" Lucas asked.
"Yeah sure." Seonghwa said.

The two males left their bags but grabbed their keys and walked out of Lucas's room.

As they were walking out of the dorm building, Lucas started a conversation with Seonghwa.

"So who's house did you go to today?" Lucas asked while glancing at Seonghwa.
"Some new friends I made at work today." Seonghwa said.
"Oh nice, you need more friends." Lucas said in a joking tone.

Seonghwa looked at Lucas, acting offended.

"Wow. I am hurt." Seonghwa said holding his chest.
"I'm joking." Lucas said laughing.
"Maybe I do need some new friends." Seonghwa said walking faster.
"Wait no! I'm sorry I was just joking!" Lucas said trying to catch up.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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