Chapter 2

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Kiri POV

As I walked through the gates of UA, I put on a huge smile, whipped my tears, and dashed through it to find Katsuki. But I could only find Mina, though I was happy to see her.

"Oh! Hey Kiri!" Shouted Mina, it almost scared me. "Hey Mina! Sup?" I replied back. She gave me a huge smile and said, "I feel great!" The moment she turned her back on me and started skipping to the class, my fake smile disappeared. How can she be so happy? I mean she does have a great family. I thought jealously. Mina and I went to the same school before we came to UA, we weren't exactly friends though, I guess she was just there. She was the most popular girl, and I always admired her so to actually be her friend here is great! Since I was never really liked by anyone there. I doubt she even likes a person like me though. Hahaha...

We both walked into the classroom, and I immediately beamed at Katsuki. All he said was, "tsk" and ignored me. I really didn't mind but it just seemed that he was ignoring me more often, maybe he doesn't like me anymore? But then why would he go out with me?

As I sat down, I heard heavy footsteps coming towards me then leaving something on the desk then leaving again. Katsuki had left a note, it said, 'Meet me on the roof at lunch.' What is this? What is he going to say?  Questions filled my mind. I felt scared but excited, nervous but curious. This was unlike Katsuki.

"Kirishima Eijirou. Kirishima Eijirou. KIRISHIMA EIJIROU!" I immediately looked up to see Mr Aizawa. "Sorry..." I must have been overthinking again. I wonder if it's beginning to look weird now. "I don't know if you've slept or not but, just start listening. Tell me if there's something wrong." And "Okay" was my answer.

~±*|Time Skip|*±~

It was lunch now, I had to see Katsuki on the roof. I skipped lunch since I didn't like the lunch at UA, well umm that's not exactly true but umm yeah.

As I stepped out onto the roof, a cold breeze hit my face, which made me giggle. Wait, I giggled, I felt so happy, I actually made myself laugh? Not by force? Maybe I was excited about having a private conversation with Katsuki.

"SHITTY HAIR!!" I heard a shout coming from Katsuki, he looked angry. I mean he always does look angry though but it was different than usual. He looked kind of guilty. "Are you ok Katsuki?" I asked nicely. "Shut the fuck up and don't call me that!" "But we're dating aren't we?" "I DON'T GIVE TWO SHITS, JUST DON'T CALL ME THAT!" "Sorry Bakugo, I just thought that I could and that you wouldn't mind but are you ok? You look uhh angrier." "Shut up. I don't like you anyway, who cares about you?" "...Wait what?!" "Exactly what I said Shitty hair, I fucking hate you." "B-but y-you s-said you liked m-me back." "And that means?" I said nothing, I was too upset, I didn't move. Tears started to form in my eyes. "Nothing," Bakugo replied to himself.

"Sorry... I really am.." "Huh?"

"I'm s-so sorry I exist, w-why couldn't I t-tell that you didn't e-even like me as a f-friend? B-because I'm d-dumb? N-no b-because I'm dumb and stupid." The words 'dumb' and 'stupid' came out perfectly clean like I was proud of being those things. It was true though. "So I'm sorry I-i exist in y-your life, y-you know I wish I d-didn't exist e-either, I g-guess we are both the s-same. Hahaha... A-am I getting overdramatic and annoying? S-sorry, s-sorry for e-everything." At that I stood, and ran across the roof crying, my heart dying in pain. I didn't look back.

Was I-i not enough for him? Is it because I am a boy? Is he disgusted? Does he actually hate me? Yes of course he does! HAHAHA!!! THAT'S SO FUNNY! No one likes you! You just haven't thought about it! Who the fuck are you? No need to be rude.  But eyy- I'm on your side, no need to worry! I'll be helping you out! Oh and by the way I'm you basically voices in your mind! Ah... Ok if you're going to help that's fine by me...

You're a good boy, right? Mhm... Then go get that razor in your bathroom and scrape it along your disgusting skin of yours! (Just saying, everyone has dorms already.)B-but... No one will care, no one will notice and that's exactly what you want to do! And you know people say that you should do what you want to do! And isn't it going to be soo satisfying~ Don't you think~? Mhm... B-but I have to get out of the school building first... UGH, YEAH that's so annoying, do it later. I'll be waiting...

Word Count: 828              

Bold: Kiri's Mind    

Here you go! The next chapter! Oop- I am srry, was the last part weird? Please don't get me wrong... You have been warned! Well now at least... Did ya enjoy it? Poor Kiri... Let's see what I'll write next time? Though i don't have any idea...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2020 ⏰

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