Chapter I

349 11 26

Word Count - 3506

Shuichi's POV:

I woke up to face a grey wall... well-, container trapping me inside. I lay there feeling quite uncomfortable being confined to such a small space that barely gave me any room to breathe. As I lay there my memories started coming back to me,

I had recently participated in a Killing Game orchestrated by team Danganronpa, after the showdown with Tsumugi and the loss of our friend Kiibo, Maki and I sat on a meadow comforting Himiko who was crying at the death of Kiibo and the relief of surviving the whole ordeal. Though she wasn't the only one who was crying, I was crying too, for the same reasons as Himiko but because I was able to keep my promise to her... B-But anyways I could've sworn I saw Maki shed a few tears as well, it was pretty funny because she kept pinching herself to try and stop the tears from coming out. Well our crying party didn't last long when Himiko suddenly told us that she felt sick and passed out, after attempting to wake her up, Maki fell to the ground unconscious as well, and then, I suppose I succumbed to the darkness as well.

And now I'm here, stuck in a tight place, thank god I'm not claustrophobic, otherwise I might've passed out again. Anyways now's not the time to complain about my confinement, I should be trying to find a way out of this place! ...or just try and find a place that's not as confining as this one. Suddenly smoke emitted from the grey ceiling, I glanced up to see the ceiling slowly, but surely, rising up. When it stopped rising, I sat up and looked around at my surroundings. I was in a cold room with electrical wires everywhere, there were three pods around me, I assumed other people were in the pods or at least were in ones since this is where I woke up. I step outside of the pod and stare at the room, it was quiet, and quite dark too. There were a few lights but they were flickering, which reminded me of a scene in a horror movie. Like... it was as if someone was about to enter the door at this very moment-,


-As I expected, someone was coming in. A tall brunette in a white lab coat strutted inside, she looked at me with a relieved smile.

"Ah, Mr Saihara! Glad to see you're alright!" she says,

"H-Huh!? Who are you!?" I asked as I backed away from her,

"Calm down sir, I'm not here to harm you," she says.

"T-Then who are you?"

"I'm Mrs Motonobu, I'm a supervisor here in Danganronpa-,"

"DANGANRONPA!?" I yell as I hide behind my pod.

"Relax Mr Saihara! It's all over!" she says. "Just hear me out!"

I stare at her, maybe I should hear her out... she doesn't seem like she would harm me, there seems to be no sign of weapons on her, but then again I participated in the infamous killing game so I've learnt to not underestimate people. With a heavy sigh, I reluctantly gesture at her to talk,

"Finally..." she mumbles. "Anyways it's' like I said, I'm Mrs Motonobu and I'm a supervisor here at Danganronpa Corporation. You see, us supervisors are here to supervise the participants and make sure that no external damage happens to them, even if it is meant to be a killing game. I'm the supervisor here for block D, so I've been watching over your statuses and making sure you're all good and healthy."

"B-Block D!? S-Supervise!? Participants..." my voice trails off as I glance around the room feeling more awake than I was a few moments ago,

I now noticed the writing engraved on a metal plate above the pods, they had names on them. On the pod I was in, my name 'Shuichi Saihara' was engraved on top. As for the three others around me, the names 'Rantaro Amami', 'Angie Yonaga', and 'Kaito Momota,' were engraved on the top of each of the pods.

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