Chapter 4

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The Killer
*Trigger Warning*

I'm being transferred to a prison in upstate New York from the State Correctional Institute in Greene County, Pennsylvania, where I've been serving my life sentence without the possibility of parole. Sometimes I wish that I would've gotten the death penalty.

Being dead would be so much better than not being able to act on my evil desires. I'm so pent-up in anger that I've been on the edge of losing control. I don't lose control. I'm in control of myself at all times, except for that one time. The one time that I lost control, I didn't keep to my well-thought-out plans. I lost my shit one time, and it landed me in prison for the rest of my life.

I think back again like I had done a thousand times, to that fateful night when that little bitch pushed me over the edge, and I lost total control. I had plans for her tight ass. I wanted to take things slow and methodical, just like I always do. However, I missed a crucial bit of information while I stalked and planned my assault on the red-headed beauty. My thirst for her overshadowed the elaborate plans that I spent days perfecting. Instead, it became a chaotic blood bath.

I was so focused on completing my ritual that I never heard the lock on her door open. As I was preparing for my final assault on her, something crashed into my skull. I inadvertently rub the back of my head where somebody hit it over ten years ago.

During the trial, I discovered that my little minx had a male roommate. He had been away on business overseas for three months. No wonder the fucker was off of my radar. As far as I knew, from my stalking of Miss Red, she wasn't seeing anyone and lived alone. Two main components for picking my victims.

So, dickhead roommate picked the most inopportune time to show up. I was so deep into Miss Red's screaming anguish that I was out of control and never heard him coming. He hit me with a lamp, and while I was out, the bastard tied me up with the lamp's cord and called 911. The cops were there before I woke the fuck up. The EMT carted Miss Red out on a stretcher, but I knew that she would never come back from the injuries that I inflicted on her body. I still smirk at the thought of seeing her lifeless body loaded into the ambulance.

The cage of the vehicle that I'm riding inside suddenly breaks and comes to a quick halt. Instead of stopping, the driver must have yanked the wheel to the right. I don't know what the hell is happening, but I do enjoy the panic that I see on the guard's face as he goes airborne. I'm held in place by my restraints. The guard hits his head hard as the vehicle begins to tumble. I watch, amused as the guard's body is flipped around by the movement of the van. I feel pain in my shoulder, but it doesn't bother me at all. My full attention is on the apparent dead guard. I feel almost giddy as his head flops from side to side due to a broken neck.

It takes several rolls before the vehicle comes to a standstill. I'm lying on my back, which means that the van landed on its left side. The officer is lying across my chest. I begin to feel the full extent of my injured shoulder but block out the pain to take a moment to weigh my options. Much to my surprise, the guard's keys attached to his hip are close enough to my hand that I can reach out my fingers and touch them.

I try to move closer to the keys, but as I move, so does the guard. Instead, I get my hand closer to the keys. I'm assuming that my shoulder is either broken or dislocated because when I try to move my right hand closer to the keys, my injured left side easily moves with it. Pain shoots down my arm from my shoulder as I reach further and further towards the keys. Fuck this pain. I need those keys. It takes one more effort till I have the guard's keys tightly gripped beneath my fingers.

I know that I don't have much time. Not knowing if the driver is dead, unconscious, or already on his way back to me has me quickly trying each key to free me from this tin can prison. On the third try, I hear the click and feel the release of my handcuffs. I swiftly push the larger-than-life corrections officer off of me. His body makes a thud noise against the metal, and again it makes me smile. I'm a sick fuck, I know this about myself, but I don't give a shit.

My left arm dangles lifelessly by my side as I make my way to the back. I force open the damaged door and step into a wooded area. You can't even see the road from where I stand. I make my way to the front and see two dead guards. I was not aware that it was taking three guards to haul my ass up North. It gives me a sense of pride for some fucked up reason.

The passenger seat's guard has his skull cracked open with bright red blood seeping from his injury. The driver of the vehicle has something protruding from his chest. It takes me a moment to realize that the gear stick broke off at some point during the accident and found its way into the guard's chest. His eyes are open and staring straight ahead. I bet the bastard never saw it coming. I chuckle.

I take a moment to take in the accident's goriness before I attempt to get a hold of the guards' weapons. I try to pull myself into the cab with my good arm, but I can't support my body weight with one arm. I decide to head back to the guard who was riding in the back with me to grab his sidearm. As my hand is reaching for the broken door, I hear sirens. I don't wait one single second; I take off as fast as I can deep into these unknown woods.



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