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"if i had a single flower for every time i think about you, i could walk forever in my garden."
–Claudia Adrienne Grandi


Dearest Lavender,

Today is the last time I'll write to you before I see you tomorrow on the Hogwarts Express! I can't wait to start our sixth year together, hopefully, it won't be as eventful as last year with that rotten toad.

Have you packed yet? Don't answer that, I can already hear your voice in my head and, after sleeping in the same dorm as you for the better part of five years, I know your packing habits quite well!

I still have yet to complete Snape's essay, so I'll have to get it done tonight, or I'll end up doing it on the train! Hopefully, he will forget he ever assigned it!

...Well, I'll keep my fingers crossed.

If you could feed Hazelnut when he arrives with this letter, I would be ever so grateful! I think all the travelling and delivering of letters he's done this summer has taken its toll on him.

Speaking of which - have you heard from Parvati recently? She hasn't replied to my last few letters, so I do worry a bit. Although she did mention receiving a new book over the summer that she might be engrossed in.

No matter, I'll see you both tomorrow anyways, and I'm very much looking forward to it!


...Elizabeth stared at the word in front of her. Could she do it?

She took a deep, calming breath. Then shook her head and scribbled out the word until it was illegible.


Next time, maybe. Next time.

word count: 281

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